The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl

The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl by Melissa Keil Page A

Book: The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl by Melissa Keil Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Keil
Tags: Ebook
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duties more seriously now that there are real girls in town.’
    He laughs. ‘And girls who haven’t snogged my brother. That’s a nice change.’
    Pete’s song changes to something breathy and slow. I’ve finally noticed a theme to the music; pretty sure Petey has spent the last week crafting his very own end-of-the-world playlist. I forget about Daniel, and the itchiness in the back of my skull that our conversation stirred.
    I glance up at Grady. ‘Maybe this is your chance to test some moves?’ I nudge my head towards a crowded booth behind him, where trilby-girl is propped on a tabletop.
    Grady glances over his shoulder, and she smiles and waves at him. He gives her a shy wave back. ‘Ah. Yeah. That’s Jess. We … sort of met earlier. She’s from Melbourne.’ He grins at me. ‘I oughta have more sense than to take chances with strangers, Veronica,’ he purrs in his husky old-movie voice.
    ‘Aw, but I would’ve thought strangers would be just your bag, G. No mess, no fuss – no ol’ ball-and-chain tying you down. You should talk to her. Say something smooth. Come on, man! You must have some moves. Practise on me if you like.’
    Grady stops moving. He squints at me. In the dim light, his eyes are vaguely amused, and mildly terrified. ‘Um … I like your dress, Alba. It’s very blue. And, ah … shiny?’
    ‘Man, you are hopeless ,’ I say with a giggle. ‘I said be smooth, not be weird robot-guy.’
    He rolls his eyes. ‘Well, maybe I should be taking pointers from Daniel? He seems to have the smooth thing sorted.’
    ‘Please. Daniel is all talk. Or don’t you remember that either?’
    ‘Yeah, I don’t know about that, Sarah . Pretty sure I was detecting some moves. Not that I’m judging. I mean seriously, woman – he’d have to be blind not to notice you in that dress.’
    I slap his arm triumphantly. ‘See, that was a line. Aim some of that at hat-girl and you’ll be set.’
    He shakes his head with another laugh, and he pulls me towards him again.
    In the DJ booth, Pete is bleating something into his microphone that I think is supposed to be rousing, though he really doesn’t need to pump up the crowd; the Junction already looks like a circus, and smells like an explosion in a BO factory.
    Caroline shuffles across the floor, steering some random guy towards us. She gives me a thumbs-up behind his back. Random-guy is just Caroline’s type, all muscle and slightly confused vacant eyes.
    ‘Heya all,’ she says. ‘This is Raymond.’
    ‘Randal,’ random-guy says sullenly.
    She gives his arm a pat. ‘Sorry. Randal’s mates have driven all the way from Brisbane. And they’ve brought nothing but gas masks and Bear Grylls DVDs with ’em. How stupid is that?’
    Eddie and Tia appear beside us, Tia dragging him into a rigid, half-hearted sway; in her silver dress she’s what I imagine a fairy might look like trying to dance with an unwilling side of beef.
    ‘Alba!’ Tia yells. ‘How’s Daniel? Is he having fun? Why isn’t he dancing?’
    ‘Maybe he’s holding out for the stripper music,’ Eddie grumbles. ‘Bet he’s busting to get his shirt off.’ He scowls at random-guy, who gives him a pained look back.
    Caroline spins around so Randal is forced to shimmy on the outside of our circle. ‘Okay, I’ll say it. This apocalypse totally rocks! Is it wrong that I’m starting to look forward to it?’
    Grady laughs. I’m still squished against him, and I feel his laughter rumbling right through me. ‘Don’t get too excited, Caroline,’ he says. ‘It’s still Eden Valley. The post-apocalyptic world is going to be less of a giant party, and more like a rotary lunch with a handful of stoners and a couple hundred confused cows.’
    Petey lands breathlessly on the dance floor, black hair clinging to his face in sweaty strands. ‘Guys, this is awesome!’ Pete yells. ‘There are more than four people dancing! Some chick puked in the deep-fryer! It’s the best night ever

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