The Ice Queen: A Novel

The Ice Queen: A Novel by Nele Neuhaus Page A

Book: The Ice Queen: A Novel by Nele Neuhaus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nele Neuhaus
Tags: Fiction, General, Thrillers, Crime
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enormous positive changes that had occurred in her life over the past weeks and months. After the divorce from Marco, she had been convinced that she’d live alone for the rest of her days. She’d inherited her stocky figure from her father; a more important deterrent for any potential suitor was the amputated lower part of one leg. But not for Thomas Ritter! He had known her since childhood and had lived through the whole drama with her: the forbidden liaison with Robert, the serious accident, the horrible crash that had shaken the whole family to the core. Thomas had visited her in the hospital and driven her to doctor’s appointments and to physical therapy when her parents didn’t have the time. He had always found consoling and encouraging words to say to the unhappy fat girl she had become. Yes, she had undoubtedly fallen in love with him back then.
    When she had run into him last November, it had seemed to her like a sign from God. He had not looked good, almost appearing a bit down-at-the-heels, but he had been as obliging and charming as ever. He had never said a single bad word about her Omi, although he would have had every reason to hate her. Marleen didn’t know exactly what had led to the break between Thomas and her grandmother after eighteen years. In the family, there were only whispered speculations about what might have been the cause, but it hurt her a great deal, because Thomas was a special man. It was because of her grandmother and her connections that he no longer had the ghost of a chance of finding a decent job in Frankfurt that was worthy of his talents.
    Why hadn’t he simply left town and tried to start over somewhere else? Instead, he’d kept his head above water through his efforts as a freelance journalist. His tiny apartment in Frankfurt-Niederrad was a depressing hole. She had urged him to move in with her, but he told her he didn’t want to be beholden to her. She was very moved by that. She didn’t care that Thomas hardly owned more than the shirt on his back. It wasn’t his fault. She loved him from the bottom of her heart; she loved being with him, sleeping with him. And she was looking forward to the baby they were going to have. Marleen had no doubts that she would manage to bring about a reconciliation between Thomas and her grandmother. After all, Vera had never denied her anything. Her cell phone rang with the special ringtone reserved for Thomas. He called her at least ten times a day to ask how she was doing.
    “How are you, sweetheart?” he asked. “What are you two up to?”
    Marleen smiled at the allusion to the baby in her belly.
    “We’re lazing around on the couch,” she replied. “I’m reading a little. What are you doing?”
    A newspaper city room never closed, not even on holidays. Thomas had volunteered to go in on May Day to help out his colleagues, who wanted time off to be with their families and kids. Marleen found it typical of Thomas. He was always so considerate and unselfish.
    “I still have to wait for two things that are pending.” He sighed. “I’m really sorry I had to leave you alone all day today, but at least I’ll have the weekend off.”
    “Don’t worry about me. I’m doing fine.”
    They talked for a while longer, and then Thomas had to go. Marleen looked blissfully at the ring on her finger. Then she leaned back, closed her eyes, and thought about how much happiness she’d had with this man.
    *   *   *
    Dr. Vera Kaltensee was waiting for them in the entry hall, an elegant woman with snow-white hair and alert light blue eyes in a suntanned face, in which a long life had etched a network of deep furrows. She stood ramrod-straight, and the only concession to her age was a cane with a silver knob.
    “Come in.” Her smile was sincere, and her deep voice quavered a bit. “My dear Moormann told me that you’d like to speak with me about an important matter.”
    “Yes, that’s right.” Bodenstein held out his hand and

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