The Highlander's Triumph
to conquer. With one hand still above her head and the other on her behind, he swayed into her, while pulling her closer. Their pelvises collided and sparks of intense need jolted from her groin outward, down her legs to her toes, through her arms to her fingertips. The hardness of his shaft found a welcome home in the crux of her thighs. She cradled that hardness, pressed her own firing nub against him, wanting more, demanding that he continue to entice her with such intense pleasure. Her nipples were hard, achingly so, and she desperately wanted him to touch them, suckle them. The thought shocked her, but only a little, as it was not something she’d previously cared for, but Brandon brought out a side of her she’d never known existed. Made her feel things she’d never dared explore.
    And for tonight, he would be hers.
    A soft moan escaped her, quickly swallowed by Brandon’s kiss and answering growl.
    Tentatively, she touched his waist, slowly circling her palm around the small of his back. His skin warmed the soft linen of his shirt. Beneath the fabric, taut muscles bunched beneath her fingertips. She pressed against his spine, running her fingers up and down the length, massaging him.
    Mariana was by no means a woman of virtue, or an innocent. More men than she cared to remember had planted themselves inside her. But the difference s between those experiences and this one, were keen.
    Mariana had made the choice to come to Brandon. Chose to offer herself up to him. Wanted him. Longed for him. Desire coursed through her, filled her, made her knees weak and every inch of her skin tingle. Her heart kept doing little flutters, breath catching and stomach twisting. This was new to her. She was coming to Brandon in fresh form, new to a world where passion could be something she chose to enjoy rather than something she endured.
    She eagerly kissed him back, rocked her hips in time with the sway of his. This was passion. Utterly unrestrained.
    “Och, lass…” he whispered against her kiss-swollen lips. “Ye are so filled with passion. Ye remind me of…”
    Brandon trailed off, kissing her with all the more vigor. Removing his hand from the door he pressed it to her other hip, massaging as he worked his fingers against her nightrail, slowly lifting the fabric, exposing her legs to the chill air. When he touched the bare skin of her thigh, her gown bunched up around her hips, Mariana sucked in a hard breath. He slid his hands over the naked expanse of her buttocks, trailing a path of kisses down her neck.
    “Ye have such soft skin and your arse… Lord, lass, I want to feast of f it.”
    He lifted her into the air, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt weightless in his embrace. Circling her arms around his neck, she threaded her fingers through his hair.
    Pitched in darkness, she could be herself, who she truly wanted to be—and with a man she’d grown so fond of. Brandon didn’t appear to be holding anything back, and Mariana wasn’t going to either. She pressed her lips to the column of his neck, trailed her tongue over his salty flesh down to the crook of his shoulder. He shuddered at her touch, a low moan in the back of his throat.
    “What’s your name, lass?” he asked.
    She couldn’t give him that. Couldn’t give him a fake one either. At an impasse, she pressed her lips back to his throat, gave a little nip and then trailed her mouth up to his chin.
    “Tell me,” he said, pressing her back against the wall.
    Passion ignited within her. Never had she been held like this. Not once had she been pressed up against a wall by a man seemingly desperate for her—or at least she could pretend he was. His shaft arched up against her sex, sending spirals of pleasure galloping throughout her body.
    “I want to know who I’m touching, kissing… Whose arse is so soft and full.”
    Oh, Lord help her… His words were sweet sin, made her want to shout out her name, beg him to take her up

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