The Hekamon

The Hekamon by Leo T Aire Page B

Book: The Hekamon by Leo T Aire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leo T Aire
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It wasn't natural,
but instead had grown from a series of modifications constructed
over a number of years, gradually adding to the defensive
capabilities of the town that sat atop the hill.
    Initially, the terracing had been shaped to make the hillside
more farm-able and easier to build on, rather than for anything defensive.
    The town only ever had minimal protection, even during times of
conflict. It had been thought the surround marsh would function like
a extensive and impassable moat for any invading militia. But when
Coralai started blocking and rerouting the mountain streams, with the intention of drying out the marsh, Fennelbek's main settlement had
needed some additional defensive capabilities. Hence the fortified
earthen banks and palisade walls that now circled the fortress.
    When first occupied, all of the population had lived on
the highest and most agreeable level. High above the mists that could
form here. Aloft the smell of decay and marsh gas that could settle
at ground level for days on end. Especially during calm, humid
    The end of the bewailing wars brought some changes,
though. Those deemed most suitable for the lower levels, or
unsuitable for the top, were moved down. Hardy, earthy, robust of
body and mind where encouraged, or more commonly ordered, to a level
most suited to their station.
    Kormak and his extended family were united by one thing.
It wasn't that they were all related to each other, because for the
most part, that wasn't the case. It was because they were all deemed
suitable to live on the lowest tier.
    The only consolation being it was on the south side of
the hill. At least, it was suggested to him that being on the south
facing side was a good thing, he wasn't so sure. The sun didn't make
it above the mountains during the shortest days of winter and it most
certainly did on the hottest days of summer. The heat, the stench,
the flies.
    At least spring and autumn were pleasant enough. Maybe
that was the consolation.
    He and Palfrey reached the shack he shared with his
sister and the other three members of the Egret Patrol. He went
inside but nobody was home.
    He guessed Loccsleah was with Saskia on the next tier up, spinning flax or weaving
garments. While Tolle and Moxley were likely stationed at their usual haunt,
Egret Stockade. He had considered stopping by the stockade on the way
back, but knew the question of Alyssa's absence would crop up, so
decided to give her time to get back first, that was his intention
    He dropped the bag down and almost collapsed to the
ground, his fatigue suddenly hitting him. It was this time yesterday they'd set off. The actual distance could have been covered in far
less time but a combination of the darkness, woods, marsh, and the
hills, along with need to move cautiously had taken time.
    "You know, that necklace of hers, it means the
world to her," Palfrey said, sitting next to him.
    He didn't reply. Instead he closed his eyes and used the
soft leather bag as a pillow.
    "She's very protective of it, if she's lost it she
will be heartbroken."
    "It isn't lost, it's just waiting to be found. I'll
get it back for her, don't worry," he said reassuringly, "If she
doesn't find it herself," he added quickly.
    Kormak could tell Palfrey was staring at him but he
didn't return the look. After a pause Palfrey spoke again, "Let's
see them then."
    "See what?" He couldn't resist smiling that
attention had turned to his acquisition.
    "You know what," Palfrey said quietly, Alyssa
seemingly still on his mind.
    Kormak sat up and pulled the bag to him. He opened the
it and took out the grippers. Palfrey's interest grew markedly
when he saw them, "Whoa," His eyes widening "They're
better than any armor I've seen before. Can I try them on?"
    "No," Kormak said, more emphatically that he
    "Why not? I helped to collect those herbs and refine
    "You can try them later, just not right now. You
can hold them if you want."
    That seemed to satisfy

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