The Harlot Bride
of the spanks themselves, had drawn curious onlookers. Mrs. Deegers was in the doorway, and Cook and Betts, the serving girl, were just behind her. Lord Tazewell let the ladies get a good look as he continued to punish Lucy’s red bottom. He didn’t mind in the least that they were watching, even if it took them away from their duties for a short time, as he was a firm believer in the value of public punishment. After a few more smacks, he decided this was as good a time as any to let Lucy know she had an audience.
    “Mrs. Deegers,” he said, not looking up as he delivered more crisp spanks, although the mention of the housekeeper brought a fresh round of struggles from the girl across his lap. “I’m nearly finished here,” he continued, speaking loudly so he could be sure he was heard. “Please bring me the button box and salves. It would appear that we have a very naughty bottom hole, one in need of another lesson, and I can’t think of anything more suitable, Mrs. Deegers, than a big button and your special nettle preparation.”
    The housekeeper withdrew from the room, but the cook and the maid stayed on. Lord Tazewell delivered two more crisp slaps for good measure, and then stayed his hand. But he had no intention to let his well–spanked little miss up just yet. Lucy was crying most earnestly, and seemed to be having trouble catching her breath, but she would remain face–down and bottom up until she’d been dosed with nettles and properly buttoned. It was better she learned quickly how things were done, Lord Tazewell knew, or she’d fight him all the harder the next time.
    As he waited for Mrs. Deegers to return, Lord Tazewell rubbed the small of Lucy’s back, his fingers venturing to just above the reddened area where she’d been spanked. This he did partially to soothe her, but also for the pleasure of following the voluptuous lines of her young body. Given her ridiculous performance outside his bedchambers two nights ago, he had intended to make her wait a good long spell before he’d issue a second summons. But as his fingers played along the soft white swell of her hip, and with the throbbing in his trousers almost painful, he thought he might have to reconsider.
    But Mrs. Deegers had returned with her box, and there were more pressing matters to be dealt with. Lord Tazewell resettled Lucy’s skirts just enough that he could see her face, but not so to in any way conceal her naughty red bottom. He reached down and took up a handful of hair, forcing her head up and to the side so she must look at him.
    “Mrs. Deegers is here,” he informed her, unnecessarily. Lucy could see the housekeeper’s long skirts and boots, and was keenly aware that there were many eyes upon her naked, spanked bottom. In fact, she was almost beside herself with mortification to be seen in such undignified and obviously castigated position.
    “You, young lady, have earned yourself another session with the button,” Lord Tazewell intoned, “and as that is the case, I am going to hold your bum cheeks open so Mrs. Deegers may apply her special salve. But I warn you, it’s anything but soothing.”
    It was difficult for Lucy to speak in this awkward position, bent forward over his lap but with her head pulled back roughly, but she nevertheless summoned all her strength to plead that he spare her the ignominy of being violated by a woman.
    “No, please,” she begged. “Please, please don’t let her touch me there!”
    “If you don’t want Mrs. Deegers to finger your bottom hole, then you had better behave in the future,” he retorted, nodding to the housekeeper to ready her jar of salve. “Mrs. Deegers knows a great deal about disciplining young ladies and I have no compunction about baring you to her, any part at all, when I desire her assistance.”
    He let go of Lucy’s hair, allowing her tear–stained face to return to its previous position of helplessness, and taking hold of one red bottom cheek in each of

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