The Hand of Fu Manchu

The Hand of Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer Page A

Book: The Hand of Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sax Rohmer
Tags: Mystery
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Meet Dr. Fu-Manchu
    My next impression was of a splitting headache, which, as memory
remounted its throne, brought up a train of recollections. I found
myself to be seated upon a heavy wooden bench set flat against a wall,
which was covered with a kind of straw matting. My hands were firmly
tied behind me. In the first agony of that reawakening I became aware
of two things.
    I was in an operating-room, for the most conspicuous item of its
furniture was an operating-table! Shaded lamps were suspended above
it; and instruments, antiseptics, dressings, etc., were arranged upon
a glass-topped table beside it. Secondly, I had a companion.
    Seated upon a similar bench on the other side of the room, was a
heavily built man, his dark hair splashed with gray, as were his
short, neatly trimmed beard and mustache. He, too, was pinioned; and
he stared across the table with a glare in which a sort of stupefied
wonderment predominated, but which was not free from terror.
    It was Sir Baldwin Frazer!
    "Sir Baldwin!" I muttered, moistening my parched lips with my tongue—
"Sir Baldwin!—how—"
    "It is Dr. Petrie, is it not?" he said, his voice husky with emotion.
"Dr. Petrie!—my dear sir, in mercy tell me—what does this mean? I
have been kidnaped—drugged; made the victim of an inconceivable
outrage at the very door of my own house...."
    I stood up unsteadily.
    "Sir Baldwin," I interrupted, "you ask me what it means. It means that
we are in the hands of Dr. Fu-Manchu!"
    Sir Baldwin stared at me wildly; his face was white and drawn with
    "Dr. Fu-Manchu!" he said; "but my dear sir, this name conveys nothing
to me—nothing!" His manner momentarily was growing more distrait.
"Since my captivity began I have been given the use of a singular
suite of rooms in this place, and received, I must confess, every
possible attention. I have been waited upon by the she-devil who
lured me here, but not one word other than a species of coarse
badinage has she spoken to me. At times I have been tempted to
believe that the fate which frequently befalls the specialist had
befallen me? You understand?"
    "I quite understand," I replied dully. "There have been times in the
past when I, too, have doubted my sanity in my dealings with the group
who now hold us in their power."
    "But," reiterated the other, his voice rising higher and higher,
"what does it mean, my dear sir? It is incredible—fantastic! Even
now I find it difficult to disabuse my mind of that old, haunting
    "Disabuse it at once, Sir Baldwin," I said bitterly. "The facts are
as you see them; the explanation, at any rate in your own case, is
quite beyond me. I was tracked ..."
    "Hush! some one is coming!"
    We both turned and stared at an opening before which hung a sort of
gaudily embroidered mat, as the sound of dragging footsteps,
accompanied by a heavy tapping, announced the approach of
some one
    The mat was pulled aside by Zarmi. She turned her head, flashing
around the apartment a glance of her black eyes, then held the
drapery aside to admit the entrance of another....
    Supporting himself by the aid of two heavy walking sticks and
painfully dragging his gaunt frame along,
Dr. Fu-Manchu entered!
    I think I have never experienced in my life a sensation identical to
that which now possessed me. Although Nayland Smith had declared that
Fu-Manchu was alive, yet I would have sworn upon oath before any
jury summonable that he was dead; for with my own eyes I had seen
the bullet enter his skull. Now, whilst I crouched against the
matting-covered wall, teeth tightly clenched and my very hair
quivering upon my scalp, he dragged himself laboriously across the
room, the sticks going
upon the floor, and the tall
body, enveloped in a yellow robe, bent grotesquely, gruesomely, with
every effort which he made. He wore a surgical bandage about his
skull and its presence seemed to accentuate the height of the great
domelike brow, to throw into more evil prominence the

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