The Greek's Pregnant Lover

The Greek's Pregnant Lover by Lucy Monroe Page A

Book: The Greek's Pregnant Lover by Lucy Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Monroe
for the baby and he trusted her to make the needs of her child paramount.
    He cupped her shoulder, caressing her nape with his thumb. “I have something more interesting to focus on than a dark vista.”
    She turned to face him, her expression soft and yearning. “Do you?”
    “Can you doubt it?”
    She just shook her head and waited. Waited for him to kiss her, to touch her, to show her that in this at least, they had perfection.
    And that was exactly what he did.
    Piper flew back to Seattle in Zephyr’s private jet with him. When they landed, she learned that he had already made an appointment for the next morning with her doctor. She wasn’t even a little surprised by his excessive efficiency. She was a bit startled by the fact that he’d gotten an appointment so quickly. She was never so lucky with her doctor’s appointment keeper.
    But then Zephyr Nikos moved entire ranges, not simply single mountains, when he wanted to.
    He spent the night with Piper in her apartment. They didn’t make love that night, but he held her close in the darkness protecting her dreams and making her feel safe.
    “We’ll call you tomorrow with the results,” the nurse said after setting the vial with Piper’s blood aside.
    Piper stood up and put the chair they’d used for the blood draw back against the wall at the head of the exam table. “Thank you. Have the doctor call my cell phone, all right?”
    “Of course. I don’t think our office has ever successfully gotten hold of you on your house or business line.”
    “I travel a lot.”
    “It must be nice.” The nurse put the vial in a small red carrier.
    “It can be.” When she’d first moved to Seattle, she’d loved the travel, but after she and Zephyr became friends, she missed him when she was away. Even before the sexual side to their relationship started. “It can be exhausting, too.”
    “Well, if this test comes back positive, you can count on being exhausted even more.” The wry grimace on the usually friendly nurse’s face could in no way be described as a smile.
    What was she supposed to say to that? Thank you? She was sure the other woman thought her information necessary, if not welcome. Piper would rather focus on the upside of this pregnancy…just as soon as she figured it out. She got up and grabbed her bag. “Well, um…goodbye.”
    “See you soon.”
    Piper didn’t know about that. She rarely visited her doctor between physicals. Of course, if she was pregnant, that would have to change, wouldn’t it?

Chapter Six
    Z EPHYR was waiting for her when she came out. “How did it go?”
    “A little prick, a bandage and we were done.” It seemed like something awfully innocuous to find out something so momentous.
    “They’ll know tomorrow?”
    “That’s what the nurse said.” Piper had tried to dissuade Zephyr from coming to the doctor’s office with her.
    It wasn’t as if she was having a difficult procedure, or something. But he’d insisted and now, she was kind of glad.
    He put his hand out to take hers and led her outside. It was one of Seattle’s rare sunny days. Not so uncommon in the summer, but not something to be taken for granted, either.
    “I’m glad I’m not alone, which makes me feel like a real wuss,” she admitted.
    “You are facing the possibility of a major life change. That cannot help but be disconcerting. You are no weakling.”
    She smiled up at him and squeezed his hand. “Well, I’m glad you’re here.” Even if she hadn’t wanted it that way at first.
    “I am glad to be here.”
    “Do you have to go into the office today?” she asked as they settled into his Mercedes.
    “No, but I did promise to have dinner with Cass and Neo tonight.”
    “Oh, okay.” She pasted a bright smile on her face. “If youcould just drop me at my apartment. I’ll drive to the office from there.”
    Or close her shades, put in the Coco Chanel biography she’d been meaning to watch and eat that pint of triple chocolate

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