The Great Unraveling (A Preppers Perspective Book 1)

The Great Unraveling (A Preppers Perspective Book 1) by Ron Foster Page A

Book: The Great Unraveling (A Preppers Perspective Book 1) by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Foster
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system. Tune in to this station for emergency broadcast messages and directions. I repeat this is not a test. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the FCC and other "federal, state and local authorities") have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. A federal emergency has been declared. I repeat a Federal Emergency has been declared. Stand by calmly and attentively for further official directions and news
    “A explosive electromagnetic pulse of unknown foreign country origin has disabled our electrical grid system. Expect longterm power and communication outages as well as severe gas shortages for the duration of this event. Do not travel unless absoulutley necessary. Stay in your homes and collect clean water in appropraite containers. The president will declare a dusk until dawn curfew over the next few days as the nation prepares to respond to this disaster.Check on your family, your loved ones and help the disabled. Make personal preparations to take care of your family for a indertiminate amount of time until the electrical grid can be stabilized and the resume power. That is all.”
    “Damn right that is all. That is about all they ever said and about all that he knew had happened other than personally he thought North Korea, Iran or both of them were probably the culprits and had used some kind of Mega EMP weapon on the US. Question was who had done it and what were we as a country going to do about it. If it was a nuke of some kind (and it probably was) that had been exploded about 50k above the U.S., then Dennis was really more worried about the level of retaliation at the culprits by America escalating it to a full blown nuke war of some kind than he was about the devastation and consequences caused by our own electrical grid collapse.
    He knew from many articles on the web he had been reading that the North Koreans had had some Russian help in developing a super EMP bomb that was designed specifically to shut a countries lights out versus cause death and destruction by the blast effects of the bomb or missile.
    The US would most likely retaliate soon, if they had not done so already. America might choose to EMP bomb North Korea and Iran just as the most likely aggressors especially if they were having any problems pin pointing exactly who was at fault. I doubt they would be able to pin point that any one country in particular was responsible at first. That is unless we managed to track a missile being fired from a specific launch pad. Most likely what hit us was a missile fired from a freighter just off our coast and the boat scuttled soon after. Plausible deniability and very hard to evidence exactly who was to blame for the alleged attack. This was especially true if some terrorist organization was scapegoated into taking credit for it.
    If the US for some reason started blaming the Chinese or Russians for helping them build the damn thing, well then things really would get far out of hand. No telling what everyone might start shooting back and forth at each other then. Iran and  North Korea were pretty much agriculture based third world nations so shutting down their electrical grid systems was not near as devastating on their populace as it was on the United States.
    The foreign countries had millions of folks who still lived off the land and were not dependant on technology the same as their forefathers of a not a hundred or so years ago. Time sort of stood still in those areas as 21 st century technology expanded across the world elsewhere. The big thing was the Iranians wouldn’t give a shit if their power was shutoff, especially if they believed by attacking the U.S. it would hasten the return of their beloved prophet “The Mahdi.”.
    al-Mahdi is "the rightly-guided one" who, according to Islamic Hadiths (traditions), will come before the end of time to make the entire world Muslim.
    North Korea really didn’t have

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