The Gladiator

The Gladiator by Carla Capshaw Page B

Book: The Gladiator by Carla Capshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Capshaw
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cleanse the family of her Christian defilement. The gods must be pleased with his loyalty to them, for they’d been smiling on him ever since that fateful day.
    He stood and accepted the glass Antonius held out to him. “Indeed, Senator, I’m happy to drink with you. There is much to celebrate and I’m confident there is even more excitement to come.”
    Pelonia had just finished weeding the vegetable garden when Caros’s steward found her in the courtyard and delivered new orders.
    â€œMake haste for the kitchen,” Gaius said. “The master has invited a special guest to dine with him this evening. You’re needed to help with the preparations.”
    A ruckus outside the front of the house caught his attention before she could reply.
    â€œShe’s here!” Gaius bumped into a large potted palm on his swift retreat to the main door. A handful of house slavesscurried after him. Pelonia followed to the edge of the atrium, curious to see who’d set the household on fire.
    Positioning herself behind one of the tiled columns lining the covered porch, she had a clear view of the proceedings without being seen.
    Near the door, Gaius lined up the slaves in a tight row. The steward took a deep breath, forced a smile and swept open the portal.
    Pelonia gasped. The woman who breezed across the threshold was easily the most beautiful vision she’d ever seen. Her unblemished, alabaster skin provided an elegant contrast with her black hair and exotic, kohl-rimmed eyes. Perfectly dressed in a flowing tunic of rare blue silk, she wore a matching palla around her shoulders. The shawl, in the same blue as the tunic, was shot through with gold thread that shimmered in the light.
    An elaborate gold headpiece held her fashionable, upswept curls in place. Bejeweled baubles, rings and necklaces adorned her slender form from her tiny ears to her rich, blue-dyed leather sandals.
    As the guest moved deeper into the house, she gave Pelonia a glimpse of the expensively crafted litter she’d arrived on and the four muscular slaves who’d carried it.
    Perhaps the lady was royalty.
    â€œWhere is my favorite lanista?” the woman asked, quizzing Gaius on Caros’s whereabouts. “I rushed here from across the city as soon as I received his message late this morning. Is it too much to expect he greet me at the door?”
    Pelonia’s interest heightened. Why had Caros invited this stunning woman to meet with him?
    â€œHe’s due from the baths at any moment, my lady.” Gaius helped her remove the shawl, revealing the guest’s gold, sapphire studded belt. “He told me to make you comfortable if you arrived before he returned.”
    The guest seemed unimpressed. “Typical man. Issue a summons, then expect a woman to wait. Normally, I wouldn’t tolerate such rudeness. If it were anyone besides my dear Caros, I’d leave this instant.”
    Pelonia stifled a laugh. She liked the new arrival’s spirited manner.
    â€œI’m sure he appreciates your patience, my lady.” Gaius handed the palla to the first slave before ushering the woman past Pelonia and into a sitting room. The other slaves trailed in their wake.
    â€œMay I fetch you a drink?” Pelonia heard the steward ask. “Or would you prefer something to eat? What can I do to provide for your comfort?”
    Pelonia peered around the corner. The woman perched on the sofa. Her head tilted at a regal angle, she contemplated the offer. “I suppose a glass of new wine will do. And a selection of those special rolls your cook bakes would also please me. Just make certain he doesn’t skimp on the honey.”
    Gaius clapped and two of the slaves ran to do the visitor’s bidding. The remaining two slaves gathered large peacock feather fans from the corner and began to wave them over the woman. Bracelets jangling, the new arrival folded her hands in her lap and leaned forward

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