The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind

The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind by Harry Carpenter Page B

Book: The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind by Harry Carpenter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harry Carpenter
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including the woman who after a prolonged resentment of her sister developed breast cancer. This last example points out why it is important to forgive. Forgive, not for the benefit of the transgressor, but for yourself. Harbored resentment breaks the natural cycle and impairs your immune system.
    A Dr. McDonald, a coroner, said (in an article that appeared in the Los Angeles Times about 30 years ago) he found, when he was looking for it, healed cancer areas in all of the cadavers he ever examined. This implies that we all have cancer cells in our bodies but our immune systems, when healthy and allowed to function properly, prevent their growth. Most of the time, fortunately, cancer cells grow only when the immune system is impaired.
    A story from one of James Harriot’s books vividly shows the effect of chronic pain and stress. James Harriot was a veterinarian in Yorkshire, England. PBS aired a series for two years called “All Things Great and Small” based on these books.
    James Harriot was calling on a miserly farmer. Harriot noticed an ewe that was in obvious pain. A cursory examination showed she had an infected uterus. The farmerdid not want to pay for treating the ewe because he thought she would not survive anyway. Harriot felt obliged to do something for the poor beast so he suggested that he give her some vitamins at no charge.
    Harriot did not give the ewe vitamins, instead he gave her what he thought was enough Nembutal, or whatever chemical veterinarians use for euthanasia, to put her out of her misery. Weeks later he met the farmer at a local pub. The farmer told Harriot, “Those vitamins sure did the trick. The ewe slept for three days and when she woke up she was cured.”
    Harriot thought deeply about the healing and concluded this: Every animal, including man, has the ability to cure itself if given the chance. This poor ewe was in so much pain and fear that her immune system and its curative powers shut down, allowing the infection to flourish. The injection put her to sleep for three days. Asleep, she felt no pain or fear. Without the pain and fear, her immune system took over and cured her naturally. Chronic tension and anxiety interfere with everyone’s immune system.
    This is why deep relaxation and deep sleep are important. It gives your body an opportunity to regenerate and revitalize itself. Spending eight hours in bed does not necessarily mean you are getting proper sleep. Some people sleep eight hours but get up grouchy and complain of being tired. These people are not getting enough deep, restful sleep. They are not fully relaxing the inner core of muscles. These inner muscles are relaxed through your subconscious mind. People who reach deeper levels of sleep need less sleep than those who do not fully relax.
    Reaction to Stress
    Dr. Selye found that the reaction (the fight-or-flight response, or as he called it, the General Adaptation Syndrome) to stressful stimuli is the same for everyone. But, importantly,everyone does not react to a given stressful stimulus in the same way.
    Take the hypothetical examples of John and Alice who have similar jobs and work for the same boss. The boss is arrogant, grumpy, impersonal, and demanding. John cannot stand the boss and gets upset after every confrontation. Moreover, he gets upset every time he thinks of his job. John constantly complains about his boss and his job. After a year on this job, John has ulcers and high blood pressure.
    Alice reacts differently. She analyses the situation and concludes her boss is acting from fear. He is afraid of losing his job. He is also having family problems and is probably afraid of losing his wife, or maybe of paying alimony. Once Alice understands this, she realizes that she is not the problem. Knowing this, she does not take his criticisms and grumpiness personally. Alice remains cheerful, productive, and a healthy employee.
    To recap, no idea can remain secret in the subconscious mind. Ideas crystallize and

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