The Games Villains Play

The Games Villains Play by Joshua Debenedetto Page A

Book: The Games Villains Play by Joshua Debenedetto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Debenedetto
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crooked writing, with lines between the words in order for the flames to spread.  What Donny saw answered many questions, but gave r ise to many more.
                  He is alive and safe      Keep learning       I will be in touch
    NO SEARCH PARTY had ever been sent to look for Donny.  When he arrived back at the school that morning, just in time to go to his first class, nobody seemed surprised to see him.  It appeared that his one night disappearing act had not caught any attention at all.  What he did find back at the school was sadness and sympathy.  Word had clearly spread that Jay had been killed in battle, and as Donny walked through the halls all conversations fell silent while he passed, so the students could direct their attention to giving him sad looks.  Donny did his best to feign grief as he walked by.
    All his classes began the same way, with a moment of silence ‘in honor of one of the greatest heroes this school has ever seen.’  Donny wondered if his professors really believed what they were saying.  Do they know what this school is really about, or are they being kept in the dark too?  When they say greatest, do they mean it, or do they really mean ‘most dangerous’?   Donny was usually good at reading people, but right at this moment there was too much to consider to come to a conclusion on who se side the professors were on.
    The hardest part of the day for Donny was that evening, when a memorial was held for Jay.  He believed that the mysterious visitor that morning had told the truth, and that Jay was not actually dead, but there was so much genuine grief in the room that Donny could not help but tear up.  The worst of all came when he caught sight of Michael and Zahrah .  Despite being Jay’s two closest friends, they sat in the back of the big room designated for the event.  Zahrah’s face was buried in her hands, and there was very little movement from her other than the occasional flinch that accompanied a sob.  Michael sat next to her, but looked like he was far away.  He appeared as if he were searching for something, even though his eyes never moved.  Michael’s expression was curious; from time to time his eyes would widen, as if he found what he was looking for, but it would quickly be lost, and he wou ld return to his silent search.
    Donny turned back around to face the speaker.  Very few of the faculty really knew Jay, so the speakers were just his three professors from the previous year.  Each talk was essentially the same; they said flattering things about Jay, told a story about something amazing he did in their class, acted as if he were their favorite student, and finished with a cookie cutter statement such as “he will surely be missed” or “he will never be forgotten.”  Donny hated to sit through this.  He looked around, wondering how many truly knew Jay, or even had met him before.  Then he turned to look at Zahrah and Michael again, but only found Zahrah there.  Where’s Michael?   Donny glanced about, but it was clear that Michael had left at some point during the talks.  
    A reception followed the talks, but Donny did not wait around.  He made his way out the closest door, ignoring the people who motioned to talk to him along the way.  They’re just trying to be sympathetic anyway.  He walked quickly at first, then began to run.  He had to find Michael.  Donny did not know why Michael left, but he probably still thought Jay was dead.  Michael would not leave a memorial for his best friend without a very good reason, and Donny was afraid that “good reason ” might not be a justified one.
    Donny turned the corner towards the dorm rooms and nearly collided with Michael, who was walking quickl y as well with a full backpack.
    “Where are you going?”  Donny asked, trying to hide his worry, but a nxious to know what was going on.
    “I can’t stay ,” Michael said, movin g as if to continue on

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