The Forest Ranger's Promise

The Forest Ranger's Promise by Leigh Bale Page A

Book: The Forest Ranger's Promise by Leigh Bale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Bale
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can understand your wanting a man around. A pretty widow like you, all alone out at your ranch, but you can do better than the ranger, Melanie. Why don’t you accept Frank’s offer and sell your land to us? Then you and Anne can move into town and you wouldn’t have to work so hard.”
    Something toxic boiled up inside Melanie, much like a nuclear explosion. “How dare you? Just who do you think you are? You have no right to plan my life for me. To tell me what to do with my ranch. I’ll never sell Opal Ranch to you. Never.”
    Melanie stepped back from the counter, gripping the strap of her purse as it dropped off her shoulder and sagged to her elbow. “I’ll tell you what, Nina. Since you have enough business already, you can do without mine. You don’t own me or anyone else in this town.”
    And with that, Melanie turned and stormed out of the store. Without looking back, she jerked open the door to her truck, climbed inside, slammed it hard and drove away. She’d made the last stop sign on Main Street and headed out of town before she realized that hot tears of anger ran down her cheeks.
    The nerve of that woman! Insinuating that she wanted Scott around her place for anything other than business reasons. Suggesting that she sell her home and the land she dearly loved simply because Frank Donaldson wanted it.
    And on top of everything else, Melanie now had no supplies for Alfonso.
    When she got home, she burst into the house, glad the girls weren’t there to witness her fury. She dug into her freezer and pulled out two loaves of home-baked bread, then started raiding her pantry.
    The creak of the back screen door made her turn around, expecting to see Anne.
    â€œScott! You startled me.”
    He smiled at her. “Hi there. I didn’t expect you back so soon. How’d it go at the grocery store?”
    Her bottom lip quivered and she turned away as more tears spilled down her cheeks. Oh, how she hated for this man to see her cry.
    â€œMel, are you okay?”
    She heard the concern in his voice and felt his warm hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. She fought the urge to turn in his arms and ask him to hold her. She’d been strong for so long and she wished she could hand some of her burdens over to this kind man. To let him be strong for her.
    Then she remembered who he was. And who she was. No, no, no.
    She moved away, opening the refrigerator, knowing she was also getting low on provisions for herself and Anne. She needed to buy food. “Nina all but refused to sell me groceries because she found out I’m tending Shelley.”
    A long, disgruntled breath of air eased past his lips. “I’m sorry, Melanie. This is my fault.”
    She slammed the fridge door and faced him, rubbing at her damp eyes. “It’s not your fault, but it is a problem.”
    He took a step closer, his hand lifting to tuck a strand of hair back behind her ear. “What can I do to help?”
    She looked up into his eyes, so close she could feel the whisper of his breath against her cheek. She opened her mouth to respond, but didn’t get the chance. The girls came rushing in, the screen door clapping closed behind them. Scott stepped away.
    â€œWhere are the cookies?” Anne’s eyes crinkled with disappointment. Her mom had promised to buy chocolate cookies with cream centers.
    Melanie bit her bottom lip. She wasn’t about to tell her daughter that they could no longer shop at Donaldson’s because Shelley was staying with them. No sense in whining about their predicament. Melanie had a job to do and she was determined to do it.
    â€œI didn’t get any but I will soon…I promise.” She brushed a hand across her face. “It looks like it’s gonna be a long day. Three hours to drive to and from Evanston, an hour or so to buy supplies, another three hours to drive up and down the mountain to Alfonso…anyone want to

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