The First Gardener
day he recognizes me, that one moment he remembers who I am. And I don’t know if I might go in one day and he’ll be gone. I don’t want to miss either of those moments.”
    “I hear you,” she said. “Just promise me you’ll let me know if I can help.”
    He wrapped his arms around her, then kissed her on the head. “I promise I—ow!”
    She looked down to see Sophie chewing on Gray’s foot. He gently shook her off. “How does something so little have such sharp teeth?”
    She giggled, then bent and scooped Sophie up. “Want to let her sleep with us?”
    His words came out quick and clear. “Absolutely not.”

Chapter 11
    “I swear, Mack, if this thing pees on my shoes one more time, she’s going outside and Jeremiah can use her as a watering can!” Gray heard Mack giggling from the bathroom.
    “Sophie! Sophie!” Maddie’s voice came from down the hall. She burst through the bedroom door. “Daddy, where’s Sophie?”
    Gray looked in one of the mirrors that flanked the antique pine armoire and straightened his tie. “You mean, where is the peeing machine your mother let you get?”
    Maddie stopped in the middle of the room and put her hands on her hips, the pleats of her skirt bending beneath her fingers. “Daddy, she’s a baby. Babies pee.”
    Mack came out of the bathroom with her hands behind her neck, trying to hook her three-strand beaded necklace. “Maddie, we’ve got to do a better job of making sure Sophie goes outside and does all her business. But, Gray, she is a puppy with a little bladder. And the dog trainer is going to start working with her today.”
    “Yeah, she’s getting trained.” Maddie’s muffled tones came from under the round table that stood near the bay window, covered with photographs of family and friends. Gray bent down to see her curled up with Sophie, laughing as the puppy attacked her face with its tongue.
    Gray had to admit he loved seeing his baby girl so happy. He crawled under the table with her. “Puppies are a lot of responsibility, Maddie.”
    She leaned against him, keeping a death grip on the wiggling puppy. “I know. But I’m so big, I’ll take good care of her. Feed her. Pee her. Poop her. All of it, Daddy.”
    “Oh, you will, huh?” Gray pulled both girl and puppy into his lap. Sophie squirmed her way out of Maddie’s arms, trying to get to Gray’s face. He laughed when her tongue caught the edge of his chin.
    “She likes you, Daddy!” Maddie squealed. “Even though you screamed at her.”
    “I didn’t scream,” he protested, handing the puppy back. “I announced.”
    Mack finished buttoning her gray cardigan and pulled her white tank down at the waist. “Come on, baby girl, we’re going to be late for school. Gray, have you seen my keys?”
    Gray shook his head. The woman needed GPS to survive. “They’re wherever your sunglasses are, I’m sure.”
    “Have you seen my sunglasses?”
    “No, I was being a smart aleck.”
    “Well, I don’t have time for you to be a smart aleck because I have to get Maddie to school. So, seriously, have you seen my keys?”
    He climbed out from under the table. “I’ll take her this morning. I’m headed to the office.”
    “Can Sophie come?” Maddie jumped up, Sophie all but flying out of her arms.
    Gray rescued the puppy again and handed her to Mack. “No, Maddie lady, I’m not coming home after I let you off. Mommy gets to take care of Sophie today.”
    Mack pulled the wriggling ball of fluff up to her chest. “Mommy would be delighted. But I can take Maddie too.”
    He could tell that Mack was enjoying this new school drop-off routine. He wouldn’t take it from her.
    “You got to watch Lola too, Mommy.”
    “I will. I’m Superwoman. I can take care of everyone,” she said with a smirk.
    Gray leaned in and gave her a soft peck on her pink-glossed lips. “The trainer is coming today, right?”
    “I’ve already told you that three times. Yes, he’s coming today.”

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