The First Commandment
sense as releasing them. Harvath shared his shock and disappointment at the president with Lawlor, but his boss had little sympathy for him. He reminded Harvath that he was under direct orders from Rutledge to back off and let the president and his people handle it. Lawlor then demanded that he come home.
    If anyone knew that there were times not to play by the rules, it was Lawlor. His refusal to acknowledge that now was definitely one of those times not only pissed Harvath off, but left him feeling strangely abandoned.
    Parker snapped his fingers in front of Harvath’s face to get his attention. “Am I talking solely for my own benefit here?” he asked.
    “I’m sorry,” replied Harvath, bringing himself back to the present. “What were we talking about?”
    Parker rolled his eyes. “
The Troll.
Are we going to agree to his deal or not?”
    Harvath thought about it a moment and then replied, “I’m inclined to pay him.”
    “You gotta be kidding me,” moaned Parker as he threw his hands into the air. “Jesus, Harvath.”
    “Tim’s right. He knows better than to put a hit on me. If he does, he’ll never get back any of what we took from him.”
    “But-” attempted Parker.
    “And I know if anything does happen to me,” continued Harvath, “I’ve got two friends who will make sure he pays.”
    Finney looked over both of his shoulders trying to spot the friends Harvath was referring to, then exclaimed, “Oh! You mean us.”
    Harvath ignored them both and rattled off a list of instructions to Tom Morgan.
    Forty-five minutes later, the Troll posted his list of four names, along with their nationalities and some other info, to the private chat room. The list made no sense at all. The nationalities were all across the board. Harvath had no idea what they could possibly have in common, but it didn’t matter. He was convinced he had his man. It was the third entry on the list-
Ronaldo Palmera
, Mexico
. Mexico was only a short boat ride from San Diego.
    Harvath typed the name on his computer and hit
    While the Troll went to work tracking down anything he could about the target, Parker and Morgan got started on their own research. Finney and Harvath were left alone to talk.
    “Any of the names ring a bell with you?” asked Finney.
    “No,” he replied.
    “ Syria, Morocco, Australia, and Mexico? I don’t know about this. I think your pal the Troll is pulling our legs.”
    Harvath shook his head. “If he plays us, he’ll be the one who loses. He knows that.”
    “But what kind of a list is that? It sounds like a judging panel for an international figure-skating competition. We’re talking about four of the worst of the worst released from Gitmo.”
    “So, what’s the link? What do these guys have in common that they’d all be released at the same time? And who’d care enough about these assholes to send a plane to pick them up and change out their blood as part of the in-flight entertainment?”
    Harvath couldn’t argue with him. “Maybe Ronaldo Palmera will be able to tell us.”
    “Maybe,” replied Finney. “But first we’ll have to find him. Mexico is a big place.”
    “We’re talking about the guy who attacked my mother and almost killed Tracy,” replied Harvath. “I don’t care if we have to tear the whole country apart. He’s ours.”

Chapter 31
    Since interviewing Tom Gosse,
Baltimore Sun
reporter Mark Sheppard hadn’t slept much. The first thing he had done was verify Gosse’s claims that his friend, State of Maryland Medical Examiner Frank Aposhian, and his girlfriend/investigator, Sally Rutherford, had actually been killed in a traffic accident. They had, but the circumstances around it weren’t as cut and dried as Gosse made them out to be.
    According to Gosse, Aposhian said that the night the supposed FBI agents had returned to his home, they had threatened him. They had told him to cease any further inquiries into the John Doe

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