The Firefighter and the Virgin Princess

The Firefighter and the Virgin Princess by Jemma Harte Page B

Book: The Firefighter and the Virgin Princess by Jemma Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jemma Harte
Tags: Contemporary, mf, anal sex, men in uniform
sex for you, Princess, without
the spaghetti and meatballs too."
    "You and your balls," she exclaimed.
    "You love my balls or you wouldn't be here
right now."
    She couldn't deny it, could she? "Every
princess loves a good ball, but a pair of them is even better."
    * * * *
    He flicked on the light switch inside the
front door. "It's nothing fancy. Just a place to prop my butt when
I'm not working," he mumbled apologetically.
    Apparently he rented the lower floor of a
two family house. It was small but neat, furnished with mismatched
furniture that she suspected had been handed down to him or found
at garage sales.
    Lily slowly removed her coat, looking around
for somewhere to put it.
    "Let me show you around," he said, taking
her coat and tossing it over a hook by the door. "Give you a tour
of the place."
    Before she could say anything, he had swept
a pile of newspapers and mail off his kitchen table and lifted her
onto it.
    "This is my kitchen," he whispered, tugging
at the drawstring waist of her sweatpants.
    "Do you cook?" she inquired politely,
pulling up his shirt.
    "Nah. But I had a fire in the stove
    She laughed and kissed him. Her lips
trembled with delight to feel his again.
    "You like this table? It's not very fancy
and it wobbles."
    "I love this table."
    She felt his cock right away between her
legs, the knob pushing at her cotton panties, pressing at her with
a promising heaviness that quickened her own throbbing need. "You
already wet for me, Princess?" His voice was husky as his fingers
stroked her, slipping under the crotch.
    "After watching you skate? How could I not
be?" It was very hot watching him with his little nieces, she
mused. Was that weird? Creepy? She didn't know. It was
just...incredibly hot...seeing this big hulk of man being gentle,
caring, patient and indulgent to two little kids.
    "You wanted me to fall on my ass." He helped
her out of her sweater and then ducked his head to nuzzle her
breasts as he unclasped her bra. "You must be disappointed."
    "Impressed." She slid her arms around his
shoulders, her legs around his waist. "I had no idea you had so
much balance."
    As he licked her bared nipples, she leaned
back, feeling the unsteady little table rocking under her.
Hopefully it wouldn't give way and cause someone an injury.
    "I've had a hard on for days, since you
walked out on me," he muttered, his hand back to rubbing the crotch
of her panties. "I saved it for you though. Didn't want to jack
off. I oughta make you wait, now, huh? Like you made me wait."
    So he hadn't satisfied himself with another
woman in the interim. Lily felt extremely glad about that.
Sometimes she'd imagined him having fun with another woman, someone
loud and tan and extroverted. But it hurt her to breathe whenever
she imagined that, so she tried to block the images from her mind.
It wasn't fair of her to be jealous, was it?
    She hooked her thighs tighter around his
waist and he tumbled forward, bending over as she lay back on the
table. "Don't make me wait," she purred, grinding her panties on
his hard cock and his hand. "I want you now, Joe."
    "Oh, yeah?" He slid a finger between her
    "Take my panties off."
    "Not yet." He added a second finger and
stroked, teasing her tense pussy. "I gotta keep 'em on right now,
or else I might get too fucking horny and stick my dick in here
without a rubber."
    Lily shivered, running her palms over his
pointy little nipples and the soft fur of his chest. He was so
strong, his torso all ripples and ridges and wide planes that she
loved to explore. His eyes gleamed down at her, lusty and
    "You don't have any diseases, do you?" she
gasped out, lifting her hips, knowing her panties were sopping wet
now and he must be getting a kick out of that.
    "And you know I don't."
    "How do I know?" He kissed her nipple and
then sucked it gently while his fingers probed further inside to
tickle her clit.
    She ground her teeth, holding back a squeal
of need. "You

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