The Fillies of Three Ferns Farm

The Fillies of Three Ferns Farm by Andrea Forsythe Page A

Book: The Fillies of Three Ferns Farm by Andrea Forsythe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Forsythe
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glow. “What discipline did you put down?”
    “ I wrote that I wanted to train in harness. I don't think I am big enough to really carry someone on my back, but I have really strong legs and...” she looked down shyly. “I like the harnesses.”
    Goldie smiled at the petite, dark haired woman. Amy was small, pear shaped and adorable. She did have an air of a draft pony about her. “I think you'll be very happy here. You'll find a trainer in no time, or an owner if you want. Let's see... what else is important? Talking is a big one. The custom at Three Ferns is to talk very little or not at all to the 'humans.' You can always use your safeword, of course, and some trainers and owners have their own way of doing things, but for the most part it's body language and horse sounds if you need to communicate. When it comes to talking to other equines, well... everyone has their own preference. When we do talk to each other we refer to it as 'Black Beauty-ing.'” Amy blinked, not quite getting the joke. “Oh, you know,” Goldie said, waving her hands as she explained. “It’s because of how in books like that the horses are always chatting to each other as soon as the humans are out of sight. Anyway, I'd say that most equines here 'Black Beauty' from time to time, especially after hours in the barn. The ones who don't like to will generally give you a clue by responding with only gestures or horse noises. Just be respectful of those folks and you'll do fine.”
    “ Do we really sleep in the stables?” Amy asked, breathlessly.
    “ Yep! You'll have your very own stall with your name on it. When you get your tack- and I'll get to that in a second- it'll hang on your stall door. The barns are heated if it gets too cold at night and there are some very basic amenities in the way of comfort and sanitation, but the Three Ferns goal really is as authentic an experience as h possible.”
    Amy repressed an excited thrill. It was so much to take in!“What about, you know... the sex parts?”
    “ Well that goes back to the 'try to accommodate' everyone. If you think back you answered a lot of questions about what you'd like to do as a horse. For some people, pony play is non-sensual. Folks just... feel like they are horses inside and want a place to be horses. For other folks, myself included, sex is a big part of it.”
    “ Me too,” Amy said, warming up as Goldie revealed a bit about herself. “I mean, I enjoy playing the part, but it excites me in that way, too.”
    “ Then it's in your papers! The trainers and grooms who feel the same way will seek you out, trust me!”
    Amy tilted her head as they rounded a corner. “So, being a broodmare... does that mean...?”
    “ You bet your boots it does!” Goldie said, brightly. “I love playing a horse, but I have a bad back from a car accident and I can't carry or pull. At first I just came out and did lunge work and that sort of thing, but then I found out about the broodmares. The first few retreats I went to the auction and got owners for each retreat, but now I have a permanent owner and every time she selects the stallion, and sometimes stallions, to breed with me. It's incredibly hot,” Goldie had a gleam in her eye. She was clearly anticipating this year’s 'breeding'! “Sometimes my owner does it herself like artificial insemination.”
    Amy was instantly horny. “Could I do that someday?”
    “ Oh sure! Every horse can breed, after all. It's just that it's the main focus of my time here while you'll have others.”
    “ Could you tell me about the auction?”
    “ Oh the auctions are fun. I miss is now that I have a permanent owner, but I wouldn't trade her for the world. After you get settled in, get your tack picked out and your 'hooves' under you, they hold a big event. It's on Sunday this year. All the folks who want an owner for the duration of the retreat will be auctioned off. Newbies are very popular. You'll have no trouble selling. The potential buyers

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