The Fight for Us
place, and before she could register his movements, she felt him closing in behind her body, letting his hand fall to her hip and pulling her into him. She started panting then. Her bottom was held snug to his groin, and she could feel the hardness of his arousal against her lower back. His lips tickled her earlobe as he leaned to her ear.
    “I didn’t want you to leave that night.”
    She whimpered as she felt the feather light movement of his lips against that most sensitive skin.
    “I wasn’t asking you to. I understand why you did, but it wasn’t what I wanted.” His free hand gripped her other hip, and he held her tight to him, leaving not an ounce of space between their bodies. “I want you.”
    She stopped breathing then, and he stilled, waiting behind her. She could feel his heart pounding against her back.
    “Isaiah.” Her voice quivered as she whispered it out, and then he spun her again where she stood and pushed her to the window that was now behind her.
    His hands gripped her cheeks, and his mouth closed in on hers, but he stopped short, leaving her breathless against his lips that were mere inches from hers. His eyes bore into her, and all she could manage to do was grip the sides of his waist, feeling his muscles tighten as she squeezed.
    When his forehead sank to hers, she sighed and his grip on her cheeks loosened. Her face was flushing and warm, and coupled with the cool glass that touched and chilled the back of her body, her insides were left not having a clue what to feel at all. She was flushing, she was chilling, she was shivering and sweating all at once.
    “Fuck, Joss. Why is this so hard?” His tone was desperate, and he shook his head as his thumb brushed gently over her cheek.
    “It’s okay.” It didn’t feel okay at all. It felt like he was two seconds from rejecting her again. She should be thankful for the rejection, but she wasn’t—not at all. “I know you’re not ready for this.”
    She pulled away then, trying to skirt around him, assuming there was little more to say, but he pulled back.
    His hands held her by the cheeks again, and he watched her. “Shut up.” His words were murmured so close to her lips that she could feel his lips brush softly against hers as he spoke. And then he was silent. He let his mouth linger and touch hers without kissing her, and she waited. Whatever this hurdle was he was standing at, she couldn’t be the one to make him move past it.
    When his lips parted against hers, she started to melt into him and whimper at the same time. The first kiss was gentle and slow, but before it even ended, he was pulling her lower lip between his. The smack was quiet and sweet, and then he was sucking on her top lip. His mouth was incredibly warm, and when his lips parted again, she felt that warmth push between her lips along with his tongue.
    She could do nothing at all but grip the sides of his waist, her nails digging in harder and harder the farther his tongue delved and licked. She pulled him toward her as he held her firmly against the window. His hips met her body, and she felt his need hard against her stomach, demanding more, regardless of how much he’d fought against this.
    “Fuck.” She murmured it between his tongue leaving her mouth and hers entering his.
    He groaned, and then she was running her tongue along his as his groan loudened and the pressure of his body against the front of hers intensified. That cool hard surface behind her began to cover more and more of her backside as he pushed her harder into it, and then his hands were gripping her. As one ran down the front of her throat, their mouths continued to pull, lick, suck, and bite at each other’s lips. He slipped his hand easily past the loose billowy satin that sat along the low neckline, and then his fingers slid under the top of her bra, brushing quickly down over the hardened peak of her nipple. She cried out as his fingertips grazed the over sensitized and tight bud, and the

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