The Feeder

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Book: The Feeder by E.M Reders Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.M Reders
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Vampires
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usual. I needed to go over the video footage from the cameras I’d installed in his office, but with everything that had been going off with Eve and this fucking stalker, I just hadn't had the chance. For the first time in my life, a woman was coming before my job. Shit was I messed up.
    Moving around the outer edge of the dance floor, I kept an eye out for trouble, all the while waiting for an update over the radio of Eve’s position. After what I had felt the night before I’d switched Vince with Reese. I knew I could trust him to keep her safe. Vince hadn’t been too happy about it, which made me even more suspicious of the bastard, but headed upstairs to the balcony bar as instructed.  Hearing a beep over the radio, I pulled it from my side. “Reese, what’s your position?”
    “Eve has just exited Gideon’s office and is heading back towards her own.”
    “Good. Stand guard outside the door and let me know if anything changes.”
    “Will do.”
    Continuing my rounds, I checked in with Dean at the bar from time to time. He wasn’t the same, you could see the pain and sorrow in his eyes from Pippa’s death and probably would for a long time yet, but I was in doubt that he would heal, maybe even find someone else someday.
    Just as I was about to move upstairs to relieve Trent from his position so that he could feed Vince’s voice came yelling loudly over the radio. “Thayne, we have trouble.”
    “Where?” Nothing was happening here in the club. No shouts or screams. No fresh whiff of blood strong enough to mean more than regular vampire feeding was going on. Where the fuck could there be a pissing problem?
    “Outside the main doors… and hurry, I don’t think it is going to be long before the police arrive.”
    Shit, that was all we needed. “Guys, did you hear that?”
    “Got it!”
    “On the way.”
    Stepping outside the main doors of the club onto the street, I glanced around at the scene before me. Two girls lay bleeding upon the floor, another just a few feet away, unconscious but no visible injuries. A crowd was quickly gathering, people rushing over the road to stare at the injured girls. Thankfully no sirens could be heard in the distance, but it wouldn’t be long before there was. We needed to sort things out quickly. Find out what had gone off and get everyone the help they needed. All before the human police descended upon us and made things more complicated. It was at times like this that I missed a certain red eyed vampire and her hypnotising stare.
    Scanning the crowd I searched for Vince, but couldn't spot him anywhere. The next moment Chad came ploughing through the doors, slamming into my back. "What's gone off?"
    “That's what I want to know.”
    Reese and Trent joined us a moment later and we set to work, checking the girls out and arranging the appropriate care for them. The girl with no bleeding injuries had a large goose egg on her head, but apart from that seemed fine and was already coming around. The other two were not so lucky. Neither was dead, which was something, but their injuries would need serious medical care and there would be scarring. What the fuck had happened here?
    “Thayne, you might want to hear this,” Reese shouted, calling me over to the small group of familiars he was talking to. The guys had been in the queue waiting to get in and had seen what had happened.
    “We were in the queue behind those girls. Stuart was working the door when he got a call to see Gideon immediately. He rushed right off the moment someone turned up to take over, that’s when things went to hell. He was letting everyone in. Things seemed normal. Then suddenly he flipped, grabbed the two girls and ripped into them for no reason what so ever. The other one tried to stop him and got knocked back. Then he turned and glared at us before walking right back into the club as if nothing had happened.”
    Dread filled my being, panic threatening to take over

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