The Fall of America: Fatal Encounters (Book 2)

The Fall of America: Fatal Encounters (Book 2) by W.R. Benton Page B

Book: The Fall of America: Fatal Encounters (Book 2) by W.R. Benton Read Free Book Online
Authors: W.R. Benton
Tags: russian, invasion, collapse, disorder
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    “Maybe five hours west?”  Tom asked.
    “About that,” Joshua agreed.
    “Okay, folks,” John said, “saddle up and let's move. I want Sandra on point and Margie on drag.  After three hours, I want Josh on point. Once on point, Josh, try to lead us to your place.  Keep the pace slow and keep an eye on the weather.”
    He nodded and said, “Will do.”  He started out at a slow walk, west.
    “Weather?” Tom asked, looking confused.
    John laughed and said, “This is the season for tornadoes, in case you don't remember. Spring and fall, we get 'em both times. If we spot a twister, move at right angles away from it and hunt a hole.”
    “Let's move.” Tom said and started out after Josh.
    The morning passed slowly and over time, John grew less apprehensive over the Russian patrol that passed so closely to them.  That didn't mean he lowered his situational awareness, but instead his mind moved on to other things.  It was late afternoon when Joshua stopped and waved John forward.
    From beside the man, John asked, “Is this it?”
    “Yep, off to the right, about a hundred yards, you can see the remains of the main house. The barn has fallen in and the outbuildings are in sad shape, too.  The cellar is about a hundred feet from the house and a bit north.”
    “We'll check it in the morning, after light.”  John started to turn, then he heard a jet flying overhead and when he glanced up, it was maybe ten thousand feet and straight and level.  He grinned when he saw Dolly looking up as well.

    A t the Russian base camp, Vetrov was in another of his vicious moods. It seemed to those who served under the man, all he did was go into a rage about one thing or another, and with no other emotions shown.  Some even thought the man had lost his mind, and those who'd known him the longest were the most assured of his insanity.  He'd taken to drinking much more vodka than usual, and he'd always been a heavy drinker.
    Lieutenant Colonel Pankov stood at attention in the room they used for staff meetings, and he'd been explaining the loss of the helicopter, when Vetrov exploded, “How in the hell do a group of peasants kill ten Russian soldiers and then blow up a helicopter, killing the whole crew?  By God, I want answers!  And, I want answers now , Pankov, or I will personally see you spend the rest of your worthless life in Siberia!”
    “Sir, we have teams on the ground right this minute, searching for the killers. Our soldiers were found naked, their uniforms gone, and yet the dead from the weather were still wrapped in their ponchos. The other helicopter stated the lost aircraft told him the men on the ground were having radio problems. There were no indications anything was wrong until the aircraft exploded.”
    “And, the cause of the explosion?”
    “Our initial reports suggest grenades, but it is being looked into very thoroughly right now.”
    “So, did the other aircraft do nothing? I have dozens of dead men and not a single body of a responsible American!”
    Pankov, feeling the stress of briefing the commander, was sweating in the cool room as he said, “Yes, sir, he attacked with full force, using both his cannons and rockets. Once that was over, one of our jets dropped napalm on the area.  Our estimates are ten members of the resistance killed.”
    Exploding from his chair, Vetrov screamed, “Moscow does not want estimates, but bodies! I want you and your entire staff to go out to the place we lost that helicopter this afternoon.  You will stay there until your estimates turn into cold dead American bodies, or so help me, I will relieve you of command and send your ass home shamed.  Do you understand me, Colonel Pankov?”
    Snapping to attention, the colonel replied, “Yes, sir.”
    “Now, get out of my sight. Next, I want the weather briefing.”
    Pankov cursed as he entered his office and sat at his desk. Opening the top right drawer, he pulled out a quart of vodka and took a

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