The Eye of the Serpent

The Eye of the Serpent by Philip Caveney Page A

Book: The Eye of the Serpent by Philip Caveney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Philip Caveney
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face was a picture of pure outrage. ‘Oh, so the way I look precludes me from ’aving any brains!’ she observed. ‘’Ow charming.’
    â€˜I didn’t say that!’ protested Ethan. He glanced at Alec as though seeking support. ‘Did I say that? I don’t think I did.’
,’ said Alec, trying to smooth troubled waters. ‘I think what Mr Wade was saying, is—’
    â€˜It is
, not
,’ added Dr Duval.
    â€˜Er . . . oh, right,’ said Ethan. ‘That means you’re . . . not married, yeah? Well, I can’t say I’m surprised.’
    Dr Duval stared at him and Alec winced a second time.
    â€˜I beg your pardon?’ she said.
    Alec tried once again to calm things down. ‘I think what Mr Wade means is . . . he’s sure you’d make somebody a perfectly
wife,’ he said; and then realized that didn’t sound quite right either. ‘Er . . . it’s . . . it’s just that what with you being an archaeologist, it probably doesn’t leave an awful lot of time to . . . er . . . you know . . . do wifely things.’
    There was a terrible silence while she mulled that one over and Ethan made a desperate attempt to change the subject.
    â€˜Dr Duval, please let me introduce Alec Devlin, just arrived from Cairo. Alec is the nephew of Sir William Devlin, who I think I mentioned in my telegram?’
.’ She stepped forward and shook Alec’s hand. ‘Your uncle is a genius, Alec. I ’ave read, I think, everything ’e ’as ever published. I was so sorry to ’ear of ’is illness.’
    â€˜Thank you,
Duval,’ said Alec.
, you must call me Madeleine, please.’
    â€˜Madeleine,’ said Ethan. ‘Pretty name. Maddie for short?’
    Madeleine directed a withering look at him. ‘Madeleine,’ she said, ‘as that is my name.’
    â€˜Oh, right.’ Ethan laughed. Then, realizing that the remark hadn’t been intended as a joke, stopped himself. ‘You, er . . . sure didn’t waste any time getting here. May I ask how you—?’
    â€˜I flew,’ explained Madeleine, her voice as cold as a fall of December snow.
    â€˜Yeah? You were pretty lucky to find an airline that could bring you so soon. It usually takes—’
    â€˜I flew
,’ she said. ‘In my own plane. I managed to put down on the road a few kilometres from ’ere.’
    Now Ethan really was taken aback. He stared at Madeleine in astonishment.
    â€˜Whatever is the matter, Mr Wade?’ she asked him. ‘Are women not permitted to fly aeroplanes in America?’
    â€˜Of course not! I mean, of course they are!’
    Alec snapped his fingers. ‘Oh, so that must have been your biplane back along the road,’ he said. ‘We stopped to take a look at it, didn’t we, Ethan? You even said you’d take me up for a spin in it!’
    Madeleine glared at Ethan. ‘You told ’im what?’
    â€˜I was just kidding, obviously. I used to do alittle flying myself, in the war. Spotter planes mostly – my job was to—’
    â€˜â€™Ow long before you open the door to the burial chamber?’ interrupted Madeleine, who seemed unimpressed by Ethan’s past exploits.
    â€˜Hmm? Oh, hard to say. We’re making good progress, but it all takes time. A couple of days, maybe three?’
. For now, we must leave these people to their work. Per’aps you can show me where I am going to be staying?’
    â€˜Sure.’ Ethan turned to go but then swung back with a worried expression. ‘No, wait . . . I . . . I can’t show you just yet.’
    â€˜Why not?’ asked Madeleine impatiently. ‘I am tired. I would like to take a

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