The Extra

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Book: The Extra by Kenneth Rosenberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenneth Rosenberg
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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    Jessica laughed at this response.  “No, I guess you wouldn’t.  Well, just keep doing what you’re doing, and hopefully we’ll make some magic.”
    As Warren watched her walk away he realized that he wasn’t just an interloper anymore; or an extra even.  He was a colleague.  That’s how Jessica saw him now.  His heart filled with pride and a burgeoning self-confidence.  He was beginning to feel like he could do this after all.

Chapter Eighteen
    Bridget sat in a chair away from the others, trying to in vain to read a book she’d brought along.  It was a romance, about an architect living in New York City.  Bridget was having a hard time getting into it.  She couldn’t seem to concentrate.  When she looked up she saw Justin sitting on the other side of the tent, on to a new girl; younger and fresh off the bus.  Bridget could just make out his voice as he eagerly explained the ins and outs of Hollywood.  She felt sorry for the girl briefly, but was relieved to have regained a little of her own space.
    “That’s it for the day, everyone!  Line up over here to have your vouchers signed!” Kevin announced.  The extras rose in unison and moved toward a table on the other side of the holding area.
    “How was the big date last night?” Charles asked as he moved past Bridget.
    “It wasn’t a date,” she answered.
    “All right, fine, it was two single adults having dinner.  But it wasn’t a date.”
    “How do you know he’s single?”  Bridget and Charles joined the end of the line.
    “Isn’t he?” Charles asked.
    “I don’t know.  Does it matter?”
    “You tell me.”
    “Look, we had a very nice dinner and that’s all there is to it.”
    “Mmm, hmm…” Charles purred, with a sparkle in his eye.  “Whatever you say, missy.”
    “What do you want me to say?!” Bridget was exasperated.
    “Come on, you know I’m just giving you a hard time.”
    “Well knock it off already!  You sound like you’re in the seventh grade.”
    “Just be careful.  I don’t want you getting hurt over this whole thing.”
    “What whole thing?  There’s no thing!”
    “Ok, good.”
    “Not that it’s any of your business.”
    “No.  None of my business.”
    The two of them were quiet as the line moved slowly forward.  Despite her best intentions, Charles’ words did sow seeds of doubt in her mind.  She was excited about her burgeoning friendship with Warren, whatever it was, but had she taken things too far?  Maybe Charles was right.  She should be careful.  She didn’t really know much about Warren, and yet she’d gone right ahead and kissed him!  She could never admit that to Charles, but when she thought of Warren with his eager smile, dancing around in the street like a chimpanzee, she laughed to herself.  No, she didn’t regret it, but she could stand to be a little more careful.  There was no sense rushing into anything, after all.
    At the front of the line Kevin looked over Bridget’s voucher and signed it before handing over her copy.  “Back tomorrow?” she asked.  She knew she might get cut any day.  It didn’t look good to have the same people in the background of every scene.
    “Yeah, we can use you tomorrow,” said Kevin as he looked over her long grey coat.  “Check in with wardrobe in the morning.  Maybe we’ll set you up with a different look.”
    “Sure,” Bridget replied, happy to get at least one more day on the job.  As she walked off, she saw Roger Craddock headed straight toward her from across the lot.  Bridget froze where she was.  Just the sight of the producer made her nervous. 
    “Hey, you there!” Craddock said as he approached.  “What’s your name?”
    “Me?  I’m Bridget,” she answered with a quizzical expression.  “Bridget Peterson.”
    “Would you like to earn a little money?” he asked.
    “That depends on what you’re asking.”  She recalled Marjorie’s dire warning.  What exactly did this man expect

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