The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection

The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection by Hazel Hunter Page B

Book: The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection by Hazel Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hazel Hunter
Tags: Erotic Romance
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arms burned, but he paddled. The blades chopped ferociously as he cursed himself for having left in the first place. The ocean slid by beside him at increasing speed. Now that he’d made the decision to go back, he couldn’t get there fast enough.
    Up ahead, the beach was drawing closer. He had to know Emily was all right. And maybe she was. Maybe they’d laugh about this and he’d regret abandoning his last hunt.  
    God, he hoped that was true.  

    • • • • •

    If Karlin got a hold of her, Emily knew it was over.
    The only problem was, she didn’t know how she could avoid it. The promontory was incredibly thin. His giant hulking form came closer. He was taking his time, enjoying himself. As she watched, he licked his lips and smiled.
    Stop looking at him and do something!
    She looked from side to side. There was nowhere to go but down or towards him. He’d picked the spot and he’d picked his timing. Now her only choice was to run. Maybe his bulk would make him slow. There was only one way to find out.  
    She took off as fast as she could.
    He didn’t bat an eye–simply side-stepped and reached out his long arms. Emily stared at his face, his widening chest. Her feet pounded out a desperate pace and she was definitely picking up speed. As she neared him, though, he actually laughed as he reached for her.
    At the last second, she swung the camera.  
    It began to hurtle through the air at the end of the strap. As she watched its arc, though, she realized she’d misjudged it. It was heavy and moving too slow. She should have begun to swing it much earlier.  
    But Karlin’s utter shock made up for her lack of timing. The camera body struck him in the side of the head just as he grabbed the sleeve of her jacket.

    • • • • •

    Austin’s boots splashed in the water as he drug the kayak behind him and flung it onto the gravel. He sprinted past a number of surprised townspeople.  
    “Is the hunt over?” someone called out to him.
    He couldn’t pause to make a reply. He pealed off the sealskin parka as he sprinted.
    The B&B wasn’t far now.

Chapter 9

    Karlin’s howl of rage nearly split Emily’s ears but he let go.
    She dropped the camera and sprinted for the car, not pausing for even a second to look back. Her boots thudded into the frozen turf and she had no idea if he was following.
    Please let the car be unlocked.
    She collided with it and pulled the door handle so hard she thought it might break but the door flew open. She threw herself in the driver’s seat. Then she slammed the door closed and pressed the door lock button.  
    The window started to come down.  
    Wrong button!
    Suddenly, there was a loud thud on the glass and Karlin’s hand tried to get through the window but the gap was too small. She hit every button she could find and then the door flew open.
    He grabbed her by the hair and drug her out.
    Suddenly, Emily’s view of the ground rushing by was replaced with a polished wooden floor and a set of stairs. Her father drug her by the hair into her room. He took her to the bed, sat on the edge, and threw her over his knees.
    “No,” she wailed but it only made him angrier.
    He spanked her.  
    Between sobs and promises to be good, he kept spanking her, holding her down by the hair. When he had finished, she’d thought it was over but it had only been the beginning. Something in him had snapped. Only eleven, her body was already showing signs of the woman she’d turn into.
    He proceeded to yank her off his knees, pushed her onto the bed, and ripped her clothes off. Then he had raped her. She had begged him to stop–to let go of her hair. She said she was sorry. Promised to be good. But none of it mattered. Suddenly, she heard his voice.
    “Say my name!” he had screamed. “Say my name!”
    She had yelled Daddy and Father and anything else she could think of but none of it pleased him.
    “My name is Jonathan,” he screamed into her face as he tugged

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