over two years old now. "
"I don't get out to Wiltshire much."
"But your estate is there, very near West Timley, as I recall Estelle mentioning."
"I don't get out to my estate very often."
"Don't you have things to manage there, though?"
"My steward is more than capable."
"So you prefer to stay in London."
He paused just slightly before answering. "Yes. So far, that has been my preference."
"And you will no doubt be eager to get back there."
Again, he paused before answering. "I had told Estelle my stay will be brief."
She nodded. It was not what she hoped to hear, but she was not surprised. She could not let him see her disappointment. At this point, all she had left were a few thin threads of misplaced pride and she'd not waste that now by throwing herself at him and begging him not to leave. No doubt that would only serve to make him run faster.
"I'm sure your sister and her family will be happy for whatever time you allow them."
"And what of you?" he asked. "How long do you intend to stay with Estelle?"
There was an edge in his voice now, as if he meant more than his casual words might imply. Was he concerned that she intended to abuse his sister's hospitality? How could she answer without confirming his fears?
"I believe Estelle wishes for my stay to be somewhat extended," she replied. "She spoke of wishing for me to instruct the children for some time, to make certain they are quite comfortable in the saddle."
"You are planning to stay quite some time, then."
"It is Estelle's wish. I am very much looking forward to renewing our friendship and spending time working with the children."
"And you are content to look forward to that life? You are sure that's what Estelle wishes for you?"
"Do you think she should not?"
" Well, you are good friends, certainly, and I've no doubt the children will enjoy your attentions. But it seems a bit selfish on Estelle's part."
" On Estelle's part?"
" If she were a true friend, I should think she should not keep you all to herself, but she should wish to see you well married."
"I have not asked her opinion on that matter, sir."
"She has no suggested that is a part of her plan for inviting you to stay with her?"
" Certainly not! All she has told me is that she'd like to see her children ride a pony."
"And I should think you've more than enough to recommend you to potential suitors."
Her heart thumped in her chest, but she could not let herself be carried away. This was not real flattery from him. It was sadly something else altogether and she thought she knew what it was.
She'd told him the truth of her destitute situation and now she'd admitted she planned to stay with Estelle indefinitely. What would a protective older brother do but try and protect his sister from such a penniless leech? He could not abide her living off his sister's generosity for an extended time. He was encouraging her to find someone else to keep her; it was as simple as that.
And incredibly painful. She was in no state to have this conversation.
"Er, thank you, sir. That's kind of you to say, but I am not at all interested in discussing—or considering—marriage just now."
"Perhaps, Miss Meriwether, once you are settled at Bexley Manor you will be."
"I've not considered marriage for years now, sir, and I have no intention of considering it now."
She folded her arms over her chest and hoped he recognized this as her signal to stop talking. By heavens, how could he not know how hurtful his callous words were? Did he think she wanted to be reduced to this, to beg charity from friends?
Well, this was not charity. She was planning to earn her keep. She would be slightly more than a servant at Bexley Manor, really, and it was wrong of him not to credit her for that. She may have come upon hard times, but she could be useful to Estelle's household. She would work hard and she would not be a leech, as he seemed to expect. Contrary to his suggestions, she did not need to sell herself off to
Parnell Hall
Courtney Sheets
Delilah Wilde
Shannon Dittemore
Janet Tronstad
Sophie Jaff
Kameron Hurley
Robynn Sheahan
Daniel Ganninger
Holly Jacobs