The Dying of the Light
have been to say that just now. Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome,” she mumbled.
    He swept his hand before him. “Shall we continue on? We don’t want to keep the Grand Mage waiting.”
    Stephanie smiled, and they resumed walking. She opened her mouth to speak, but Skulduggery held up a finger to silence her. He tilted his head at the look on her face, took her arm gently and led her down an adjoining corridor. She began to hear a raised voice. Female.
    They got to the corner, saw Eliza Scorn standing toe to toe with China. It looked like Scorn would have thrown a punch if the Black Cleaver hadn’t been standing at China’s shoulder.
    “Why don’t you just admit it?” Scorn snarled. “You sent Vincent Foe and his gang of degenerates over to the Church to join us. I want a Sensitive down here right now to pick the truth from the filthy recesses of your mind.”
    “That’s hardly necessary,” China said, the epitome of calm. “Even if I did do that, which I did, the fact is your weasel-faced little man didn’t know any better, and he allowed it to happen. So the raid you’re here to lodge a complaint against was entirely justified.”
    “You set us up!”
    “And your man fell for it and, in doing so, broke the terms of your Church’s agreement with this Sanctuary. This is all very regrettable, though it isn’t really, and I wish to assure you that I, in no way, derive any personal satisfaction from any of this, even though I so obviously do. If you feel the need to vent any more of your frustration, please feel free to do so, as I intend to build a collage of this moment and I’d like some more amusing anecdotes to go along with it.”
    Scorn jabbed a finger at her. “This isn’t over.”
    “I dare say you’re right,” China said, and smiled as Scorn stormed away. She waited a moment, then turned her blue eyes on Stephanie and Skulduggery. “Good morning. I take it you heard all that?”
    “We did,” Skulduggery said.
    “Was I as marvellous as I thought I was?”
    “You were supremely aggravating and terrifically smug.”
    “Oh!” said China. “The perfect combination! Come walk with me. Tell me good news.”
    They took up positions on either side of her and moved down the corridor, the Black Cleaver a silent shadow behind them.
    “I’m afraid good news is in short supply,” Skulduggery said. “Darquesse has freed the Remnants.”
    “She did
    “We sent people to the Receptacle to check. Most of the guards there are dead or injured. Two are missing, probably possessed.”
    For a heartbeat, it looked like China might narrow her eyes in anger, but she took a deep breath, exhaled, and calm was restored. “Where have they struck first?”
    “That’s just it,” Skulduggery said. “They haven’t struck anywhere.”
    China frowned. “So where are they?”
    “We don’t know,” said Stephanie. “There’s been nothing on the police scanners or news reports, either.”
    “This is just what we need,” China said. “Darquesse, the renegades, and now the Remnants. Do you think they’d be nice enough to stay out of trouble while we deal with the first two?”
    “It’s always possible,” said Skulduggery.
    A pair of sorcerers passed, nodding respectfully to China, and Skulduggery waited till they were out of earshot before continuing.
    “The Remnants, in their natural form, are very hard to control. It’s only when they’ve possessed a host that they can take orders. Darquesse may think she has herself an army, and she may well be right, but there’s a chance that she’s overestimated her control over them.”
    “I don’t like relying on
,” said China. “The remaining renegades are still lying low, aren’t they? Well, until they resurface, tell Vex and Rue to take the Monster Hunters and track down the Remnants. Once we know where they are, we’ll take care of them once and for all. If the renegades poke their heads up in the mean time, we’ll take care of

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