The Doomsday Conspiracy
minutes without moving, then reached a decision. He walked over to the door and locl::ed it. Then he picked up the telephone and made a call. Susan was waiting for him. She opened the door of their apartment, wearing a sheer negligee that concealed nothing. She flew into his arms and held him close.
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    "Hi, sailor. Want to have a good time?"
    "I'm having one," Robert said happily, 'yust holding you."
    "God, I missed you so much!" Susan drew back and said fiercely, "If anything ever happened to you, I think I would die."
    "Nothing is ever going to happen to me."
    She studied him a moment, concerned.
    "You look so tired."
    "It was a pretty intensive course," Robert admitted. He was understating it. With all the texts and manuals to study, in addition to the practical, hands-on lessons, none of the recruits had been able to sleep more than a few hours a night. There was little grumbling for a very simpIe reason: They were well aware that what they were learning could one day save their lives.
    "I know exactly what you need," Susan decided. Robert grinned.
    "I'll say." He reached for her.
    "Wait. Give me five minutes. Get undressed." He watched her walk away and thought, How damned lucky can a man get? He began to get undressed. Susan returned a few minutes later. She said softly, "Umm. I like you naked."
    He heard his instructor's voice, saying, "Some of you will be operating naked. It means you're alone and without any assistance." What have I gotten into? What have I gotten Susan into?
    She led him into the bathroom. The tub was filled with warm scented water, and the room was dark except for four candles flickering on the sink.
    "Welcome home, darling." She slipped out of her negligee and stepped into the bathtub. He followed her.
    "Don't talk. Lean back against me." He felt her hands gently caressing his back and shoulders, and he felt the soft curves of her body against him, and he forgot how tired he was. They made love in the warm water, and when they had dried themselves, Susan said, "So much for the foreplay. Now, let's get serious."
    They made love again, and later, as Robert fell asleep, holding Susan in his arms, he thought, It will always be like this. Forever. The following Monday morning, Robert reported for his first day of duty at the 17th District Office of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon. Admiral Whittaker said warmly, "Welcome home, Robert. Apparently you impressed the hell out of Colonel Johnson." Page 64
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    Robert smiled.

"He's quite impressive himself." Over coffee, the admiral asked, "Are you ready to go to work?"
    "Good. We have a situation in Rhodesia -.." Working in the Office of Naval Intelligence was even more exciting than Robert had anticipated. Each assignment was different, and Robert was given the ones classified extremely sensitive. He brought in a defector who revealed Noriega's drug-smuggling operation in Panama, exposed a mole working for Marcos in the American Consulate in Manila, and helped set up a secret listening post in Morocco. He was sent on missions to South America and to the East Indies. The only thing that disturbed him was the long separations from Susan. He hated to be away from her, and he missed her terribly. He had the excitement of his job to occupy him, but Susan had nothing. Robert's case load kept increasing. He spent less and less time at home, and that was when the problem with Susan became serious.
    Whenever Robert came home, he and Susan would run hungrily into each other's arms and make passionate love. But those times began to be further and further apart. It seemed to Susan that no sooner did Robert return from one assignment than he was sent away on another. To make matters worse, Robert could not discuss his work with her. Susan had no idea where he went or what he was doing. She knew only that whatever he was involved in was dangerous,

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