The Domino Pattern

The Domino Pattern by Timothy Zahn Page B

Book: The Domino Pattern by Timothy Zahn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy Zahn
Tags: Fiction, SciFi, Quadrail
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Master Colix was able to speak both English and Juric. Apparently, Master Colix spent a lot of time talking to Tas Krodo about the Path of Onagnalhni.”
    “The—? Oh, right.” I nodded. “Kennrick’s Path of the Unpronounceable and Untranslatable. Not entirely unpronounceable, I see.”
    “Pretty close, though,” Bayta said, relaxing slightly. For all her stubbornly defiant talk about doing her own bit of investigating, she really had been worried about how mad I would be at her. “He also said that Master Colix had a dark brown bag of what he thought were some kind of fruit snacks.”
    “He tasted one?”
    “No, Master Colix never offered to share,” Bayta said. “But they had a fruity scent.”
    “Sounds harmless enough,” I said.
    “Yes, it does,” Bayta said. “But when I went to look for them in the overhead and underseat storage compartments, I couldn’t find them.”
    I frowned. “The locked overhead and underseat compartments?”
    “Those compartments, yes.” she said grimly. “Only by the time I got to them they weren’t locked anymore.”
    “Well, now, that’s very interesting,” I murmured, picking up another onion ring and chewing thoughtfully at it. “Did you notice anything unusual about the locks? Any damage to the catches or scratch marks anywhere?”
    “I didn’t see anything.” Bayta’s lips compressed briefly. “But I probably don’t know what to look for, do I?”
    “You’d have noticed if the locks had been forced,” I assured her. “That’s usually pretty obvious. But the differences between key and keypick aren’t nearly so blatant.”
    “Keypicks don’t work on Quadrail locks,” Bayta said.
    “If something can be coded to be unlocked, somebody will eventually find a way to fake that code,” I said, picking up the last two onion rings and cramming them into my mouth. “That, or they’ll get hold of a copy of the actual key.”
    “The passenger’s ticket is the only key.”
    “So I’ve heard,” I said. “So unless the thief forced the locks, we arrive at the conclusion that he also absconded with Colix’s key.”
    “Before he died?”
    “Or afterward,” I said. “Dead people are much less argumentative when you’re going through their pockets.”
    Bayta shivered. “Sounds awful,” she murmured.
    “It isn’t high on anyone’s pleasant-activities list,” I conceded as I stepped into the half-bath to wash the onion ring breading off my hands. “But there’s still a chance that someone simply broke in. We’ll need to go take a look to be sure.”
    “All right,” Bayta said slowly. “But why would anyone want to steal Master Colix’s fruit snacks? You can get things like that in the dining car.”
    “Maybe you can’t get his specific brand,” I said. “Or maybe there’s some other reason entirely.” I scratched my head as a sudden ferocious itch ran through my scalp. “But one question at a time. Let’s figure out first how the compartments were opened. Then we can tackle the who and why of it.”
    My plan was to first check out the late Master Colix’s storage compartments and then hunt down Kennrick to see what, if anything, he’d learned from Witherspoon about heavy-metal poisoning symptoms in Humans.
    Like most of my plans these days, this one didn’t survive very long.
    We were passing through the last first-class coach when we spotted both Kennrick and Witherspoon. They had pulled up a pair of chairs to face di -Master Strinni. Witherspoon was examining the Shorshian, who was gesturing oddly as he talked in a low voice.
    And from Witherspoon’s expression, I could tell something was wrong.
    The doctor glanced up as we approached. “Mr. Compton,” he greeted me absently, his mind clearly elsewhere.
    “Dr. Witherspoon,” I nodded back. “We having a conference?”
    “Not exactly,” Witherspoon said as he peered closely into Strinni’s eyes.
    “ Di -Master Strinni is feeling strangely stressed and nervous,”

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