The Dirty City
first had nothing available, the other two were quite blatantly under surveillance by hoods – it appeared that Vitalli was onto this tactic and figured I might show up at some point. There were no other car rental places within walking distance of my location, I was stuck in the city.
    The evening was closing in, and I truly did not have a plan how to deal with it. I took on an almost resigned air as I tramped the streets. While still trying to look anonymous, I decided that my best chance of not being attacked by a vampire would be in very public areas in plain sight.
    As the sky became dark and the city took on its neon tinged night look, it seemed to become all the more menacing. I was still playing on home turf, but the city itself seemed out to get be now as well.
    Being stalked by vampires is an incredibly unsettling situation – mostly because you never are truly sure if they’re there or not. That shadow out of the corner of your eye, well – it could simply be a shadow of something totally innocuous, and it’s just a paranoid mind creating threatening illusions. But when you think you detect similar shadows almost around every corner you turn down, frankly it’s terrifying.
    It took about an hour after darkness fell for it to become completely conclusive that a vampire was tailing me. I’d stuck to my plain sight strategy, but all the while I felt the tension rising.
    Then, all it took was a moment. One single moment when there just happened to be no-one within a hundred yards of me. I was positioned on the sidewalk of a main road, well illuminated, I detected a blur of movement to my right then found myself being bundled with extreme force, off the sidewalk and into the looming shadows of an alleyway.
    In a split second I had been thrust to the very end of the alley, right to the darkest corner, totally beyond the sight and certainly the help of anyone who might be wondering past on the main road.
    At that point I was finally permitted a glimpse of my assailant – he was tall – around six feet, but built fairly averagely. Had he been human I’d have backed myself to have been able to kick his ass from one end of the alley to the other, but I caught sight of the now familiar green glow emanating from his eyes - I knew this guy was no average Joe. As if to demonstrate that very point he ‘flickered’ again right in front of me, and at incredible speed, delivered a sharp punch to my stomach and followed it up with an equally unstoppable forearm smash to the side of my face. I was on the ground in a heap before my body could even fully comprehend how much both those events actually hurt. It’s fair to say that they hurt a hell of a lot.
    “So, you’re the schmuck that put a couple of Vitalli’s clowns in the hospital, eh?”
    I couldn’t reply, all the wind had been knocked out of me.
    “Well, Mr Jerome – my name is McLane, and firstly, I’m going to make you wish you were dead,” he paused and gave an evil grin, revealing a glint of the fangs, “and then I am actually going to kill you.”
    “Valance - she offered me a deal!” I just about managed to blurt out through gritted teeth.
    Another blow, I think it might have been a boot to the ribs, flipped me over and left me spread-eagled on my back.
    “All deals are off, Mr Jerome, and frankly – I think Mistress Valance must have had a momentary lapse in reason to have offered you anything. It would appear she has come to her senses – she was very clear about what was to happen to you when I spoke to her.”
    The jumped up punk was really starting to annoy me now, I figured if I was going to die I’d at least go out fighting – and having satisfied my curiosity as to what happens if you try and shoot a vampire. I produced my gun and aimed it in the direction of McLane – or rather, in the direction of where McLane had been just mere moments before. A blurred hand fizzed past my face from behind me and with the greatest of finesse, plucked

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