The Devil Inside (Wolf Guard Book 1)

The Devil Inside (Wolf Guard Book 1) by Roxanne Lee Page B

Book: The Devil Inside (Wolf Guard Book 1) by Roxanne Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Lee
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behind me and I
caught a sweet scent of whisky and dog. A little growl from Luce announced
their presence further.
    "Alex, watcha doin' here? Look ta me
like you growlin' at tha Captains mate. You lookin' ta die boy?"
    That blonde head swung in Sam’s direction,
surprise on his sun-kissed face. Looks like someone forgot to inform the
local pack.
    He clenched his hands into fists and an
internal struggle began. He forced himself to take a step back and I saw little
ripples in his skin where his wolf pushed at him to show this girl her place. I
was amused at his wolf; he had no self preservation.
    He turned his animosity onto Sam next, the
only target left for his frustration. "Why don't you keep out old man?
You're no wolf any more."
    My beast snapped inside, the push against
my ribs driving me forward a step and Alex was forced to retreat again to keep
his distance.
    Sam, his usual calm self, only
chuckled."Dun know why you so angry boy, you an Alpha now ain't you? Tha's
a step up in my book."
    Alex scowled at Sam’s words, "he was
my friend not just my Alpha, she deserved to die for what she did. Luke did
nothing to warrant death."
    So that was his name."That's exactly
right Alex, your former Alpha did nothing. Perhaps you can rectify his
indifference now that you have the title." I sent him another smile, we
were both well aware he would do nothing of the sort.
    He grit his teeth and pushed parting words
through them, "I can see the Captain isn't here, I'll return when he's
    He turned around and stalked off without
another word. I shook my head, he was a pubescent boy in a man's body.
    "You just attract trouble now dun
    I looked at Sam and raised my eyebrows
    "Dun fool me girlie, you anythin' but
    I shrugged at him, nothing I could do about
my less than sweet personality flaws. "Why's he here Sam?"
    Sam blew out a breath, "Well, he a new
Alpha now, all the new ones come here. Meet tha Captain, train wit' tha guards
for a while and talk wit' them governors." His little look of distaste at
the last word was poorly hidden.
    "You ever met them Sam?"
    He narrowed his eyes looking at Alex still
stalking across the grass towards a house in the distance. "Yeah, once or
    "Why do the guards and the Captain
allow them to dictate?"
    Sam turned to look at me and put a wrinkled
hand on Luce's head. "They like ta think tha's wha' they do. Lemme tell
you tho', tha' Captain dun do nuthin' he dun wanna do."
    Sam big grin returned and I was glad to see
it,"come on girlie, we go sit on tha' porch an' relax, " he chuckled
and tried an innocent look of his own," got sum whisky go real nice wit'
    I shook my head at him and followed him
inside, the dogs padding behind us. I thought on that blonde beta turned Alpha,
his presence could only bring more trouble for me. I wasn't overly concerned,
one Alpha was much the same as any other. Conceited, self important, arrogant.
His wolf could push and growl and demand as much as he liked, it would not
change the outcome, if he insisted on standing in my way I would mow him down
to stay on track. One insignificant Alpha would be no distraction from my chosen

Chapter 17.
    Carver returned sometime near dawn. I heard
him enter the house as if he were right next to me. I had a bad feeling about
what that meant, maybe that the bond was strengthening, becoming some living,
breathing thing. Perhaps refocusing my attention, not on the path I'd chosen
but on the one fate had decided for me. Somewhere within I'd been waiting for
him, listening out for his heavy footsteps and that worried me.
    I sat up from the soft bed I was laying in,
not sleeping just waiting, and stared at the closed door as his steps brought
him nearer. His heavy tread stopped just outside and a hand tapped once on the
wooden barrier.
    "Arya, come downstairs to the kitchen.
We have to talk." His gravelly voice was harsher this morning, a night
spent as a wolf bringing that animal

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