The Demon Hunters
your average microwave meal, I know just how much to sprinkle on.
Next, the parmesan. Plenty of that, too.
    “ And it’s no longer low-fat
when one piles on the mozzarella.”
    “ It’s parmesan.” The little
meal went back in the microwave. I waited another two minutes until
the oven dinged , grabbed the container and a fork and sat at the
    “ You’re going to kill
yourself, the muck you eat.”
    “ You’re just jealous.” I
forked up a mouthful. “Mm, mm, this is absolutely delicious. Tomato
and herbs, a hint of garlic, chunky little lumps of ground beef,
hot melting cheese. Can’t get any better than this.”
    It actually wasn’t so great, and low
fat microwave meals are low fat because you don’t get much in the
    “ Your diet is terrible:
coffee, donuts, waffles and dinky microwave meals,” she retorted
dismissively, at the same time leaning nearer the table.
    “ Yep, and I’m really enjoying this
dinky microwave meal.”
    “ You can be such a
    “ I do my best.”
    “ Do you mind?” said
    ” Why do you bother with
lite food?” Mel persisted.
    “ The same reason I drink
diet cola. I like the taste.”
    “ Will you shut up! I’m
trying to watch this,” from Jack.
    “ If you like it so much,
why do - ?”
    Jack erupted up between us like a
spewing volcano. “For God’s sake, stop bickering. You two will be
the death of me!”
    We looked at him. I wondered if his
choice of words were deliberate. Knowing Jack, they
    The phone rang. Thinking it might be
Royal, I leaped from the chair and to the counter. But it wasn’t
Royal and I recognized the number on Caller ID. I swallowed my
mouthful and glowered at Mel. “Keep it down a minute will
    I took a deep breath.
    “ How are you, dear?” Margot
    “ I’m well, thank you,
    “ I am calling about the
matter we discussed. Gerarco talked to the young men in question
and we are convinced they know nothing.”
    “ Okay. Please tell him I
appreciate his help.”
    “ I will, dear. I hope you
find young Alissario for us. His mother is a dear friend and he’s a
nice boy.”
    “ I’ll do my very
    “ I know you will. Now you
take care of yourself.”
    “ I will, Senora. I hope you
and Senor Labiosa have a lovely summer.”
    The brief conversation told
me what I wanted to know. Only someone with Gerarco’s influence can
call in members of rival gangs. In fact, acting as negotiator is
one of the few gang-related duties he still personally performs,
except he calls them favors . And when he gives his ruling,
it sticks. I hoped when Margot said talked , she meant it literally and
not something more painfully persuasive. In any case, if Gerarco
said rival gang members no longer had a beef with Rio, I believed
    I sat down again and stirred at the
remains of my spaghetti. A black Mercedes-Benz. The fire at Daven’s
house. My thoughts ran in circles.
    A guy in a black car put a hit on
Daven Clare, but the attempt failed. The hit-bums saw Rio and Gia
at Daven’s house. A black Mercedes-Benz was seen in Rio’s
neighborhood. Rio disappeared.
    The same car? The same man? Did
Mercedes-Benz man take Rio because he could identify the arsonists?
Or did the kid know someone was after him and went into hiding, not
daring to contact Gia?
    Why did neither Gia nor Daven tell me
about the attempt on Daven’s life?
    Dammit, all I had were

Chap ter Ten
    I paced and jotted notes for much of
the night. Exhausted, I couldn’t be still. I needed to vent at
something, someone, but nothing and no one was
    When I’m stressed, I eat too much, or
exercise more, or both. I hadn’t hiked the north bench trails since
this time last year.
    I came down the stairs wearing a white
T-shirt, loose blue pants elasticized at the ankle and hiking
boots. I know how to dress sexy when I want. You should see me in
my quilted winter coat and earmuffs.
    “ Get the paper

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