The Demented Z (Book 2): Desolation (Book 2)

The Demented Z (Book 2): Desolation (Book 2) by Derek J Thomas Page A

Book: The Demented Z (Book 2): Desolation (Book 2) by Derek J Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek J Thomas
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
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the room he stepped over to Rachael, ripped open a couple of the packages, and
handed them to her. She was hunched over
in agony, but managed to take them in her free hand.
  She used them in an attempt to slow the flow
of blood.
    “That’s it. Clip my
zip tie so I can help her.”   Hank said.
    Austin let out a low laugh.  
“I don’t think so.”
    Hank noticed for the first time that Rachael had a poultice
and lump of gauze across her shoulders and on the back of her neck.
  Portions of the gauze were tinted in pink
where blood had begun to soak through.  
It was amazing she was still alive and to have to go through what
Lincoln put her through was beyond injustice.
    Brad began groaning on the floor.
  Everyone looked down at him.
  He rolled over onto his side and spit up
blood and vomit. Dennis stepped over and
kneeled down next to him. Unable to use
his hands, he listened to Brad’s breathing.  
It was a bit ragged, but sounded clear and strong.
  His wounds appeared to be mostly bruising and
surface cuts. He looked like the losing
end of a mixed martial arts bout.
    Big Mike started to say something, but stopped when the
sound of footsteps echoed in from the hallway.  
Everyone turned to see who approached.  
Lincoln came strolling through the doorway with a huge grin on his
face. His shoulders held high, dripping
with arrogance.
    “Thank you for the goods.  
We might have to shop here more often.”  
Lincoln said.
    Austin puffed out his chest.  
“Told you there was a ton of stuff in there.”
    Lincoln ignored him and walked over next to Big Mike.
  Absent mindedly looking down at Rachael, he
said, “Boys are loading up the goods right now.”
  He looked over at Dennis and Hank, hesitated
for a bit and then added, “Once they get it all they’re going to bring the
others up here. Give us some time to get
out of here.”
    “Sure we should leave ‘em
alive?”   Austin asked.
    “It will be just fine.”  
Lincoln said.
    “What about Tom and Eddie?
    Anger flashed across Lincoln’s face and then disappeared
just as quickly as it had come. “Just
leave things to me.”
    Austin looked about to say something, but stopped himself.
    Hank had a bad feeling about this.
  None of these men seemed the type for
kindness with his hands secured, he would have to
wait, hoping for an opportunity to present itself.
    After what seemed like an hour, but was likely a matter of
minutes, the patter of feet and rumblings of conversation filtered in through
the doorway. One at a time a stream of
familiar faces began pouring into the operating room.
  Each of them still had their wrists bound behind
their backs. Most of them looked down at
the floor while they shuffled in, some were conversing with those around them,
and others looked about the room, eyes wide, like trapped animals.
  Following the hospital group into the room
were several of Lincoln’s men, rifles trained on the hostages.
  Once everyone was in the room a couple of the
men stood in the doorway, weapons held loosely in front of them.
    Lincoln stepped over in front of the men and turned around
to the group. With a used car salesman
grin he addressed the room. “Thank you
for the weapons and food. We will put it
to good use.”   He started to turn around
and then said, “ last thing.”  
Spinning back around he held the bloody shears up and said, “Anyone know
who else Tom, Hank, and Rachael arrived with?”
    Nobody said anything.
    Austin said, “I know who was with them.”
    “Not you. I want to make this...interesting.
  I will ask nice one more time.
    A few people began looking around, but nobody said a word.
    “Well okay then.”  
Lincoln walked over to the nearest person.
    The boy looked to be in his mid-teens.
  Hank had never met him, only passed him in
the hall a couple times. The dark haired
kid normally had a large smile on his face, but now cowered

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