The Delta Chain
could have created this bug.
    ‘We’re losing valuable new data – and time,’ Westmeyer said. ‘I’m sorry, Kate, but this can’t go on. I’m going to have to talk to your boss. I expected a hell of a lot better, frankly, from A.B.C.S.’
    ‘I understand. Believe me, I’m just as frustrated as you are. Talk to James, by all means. He’s been analysing the developments here. With a problem like this, the first step is to fully understand the nature of the virus itself, so that an anti-virus can be built. It’s just more complex than first anticipated.’
    Westmeyer allowed his anger to subside. ‘Very well, Kate.’ As she turned to leave, be buzzed through to his secretary. ‘Belinda, get me James Reardon on the line.’
    Back in his lab, Stephen Hunter was briefing one of his assistants, Jeff Redlich, on re-programming data, when Westmeyer strode in. ‘What’s the impact of all this to our timing?’
    ‘A day lost, maybe two.’
    Hunter shrugged. ‘I’m as pissed as you are. I’m just counting myself lucky this is the first time my lab’s been affected.’
    ‘It should never have happened to any labs. Stephen, if that timing can be improved, let me know. Every day is crucial now we’re in the final phase.’
    ‘I’m doing everything I can. But do me a favour, keep that blasted ape Donnelly away from me and away from my lab.’
    ‘I’ve told you before, don’t worry about Donnelly-’
    ‘I don’t need stand-over men looking over my shoulder making stupid fucking comments. I know you think you need morons like that around, but as far as I’m concerned you should’ve left him working for the mob in New York, where he belongs.’
    ‘Just don’t concern yourself with Donnelly,’ Westmeyer repeated.
    ‘Come in, Adam.’ Eddie Cochrane waved Adam into the office, and closed the door behind him. ‘Gut feeling tells me you’re here about this drowning victim.’
    Adam pulled up a chair as Eddie returned to his. ‘That’s what I’m here about.’
    Eddie spread his arms in a gesture of bewilderment. ‘Amazing. In the space of a few hours I’ve had my star reporter tell me there’s a big story here, I’ve had the mayor on the phone telling me to back off, and now you’ve dropped by. What’s all the fuss about?’
    ‘There’s nothing to fuss about, but I agree you wouldn’t think that by the way everyone’s acting.’
    ‘You got that right.’ Eddie shook his head with a bemused expression. There was a part of him, a part of many newsmen, which enjoyed the fuss.
    ‘I’ve just come from Bingham’s office, so I know he spoke to you after his PR officer copped a call from Melanie Cail. I was concerned that, rather than quell the fuss, he may have piqued your curiosity further. And there’s no need.’
    ‘Why’s the mayor so concerned?’
    ‘Eddie, I think it’s just one of those days when emotions are in high gear. It’s an election year, the town’s birthday festival is coming up…’
    ‘Bingham thinks the festival will help his re-election chances.’
    ‘I’d say so. Melanie Cail wants to jump on this and turn it into something scary. It’s a hell of a stretch, Eddie, and it got the mayor’s ire up.’
    ‘Granted. But there is a link. Neither of the victims can be identified.’
    ‘The local Jane Doe was only found last night. You know very well it could take a few days to establish her identity.’
    ‘Maybe in the big city. Less likely in a small town like this one.’
    ‘It’s too early to draw comparisons. You know that, Eddie.’
    ‘I know.’ Eddie leaned forward, fixing Adam with a purposeful gaze. ‘Tell you what. I won’t run anything other than the known facts this week. Wouldn’t have, anyway. But if the girl hasn’t been identified by then, and if Melanie comes up with a strong angle on the two cases, then I’m going to run with it next week. And that’s fair.’
    ‘It’s what I wanted to hear.’
    ‘And I’ll tell you one

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