The Defiant Princess

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Book: The Defiant Princess by Alyssa J. Montgomery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa J. Montgomery
will bring us the evidence we need to convict Mustaf of attempted murder.”
    It wasn’t moving fast enough for Khalid and he didn’t share his father’s confidence. Mustaf needed to be brought to heel immediately in the interests of Sabihah’s safety. “Do you know where the leak occurred in our palace security yet?”
    He smothered a curse. How could he guarantee Sabihah’s safety in Turastan when they couldn’t even locate the security breech?
    â€œHas any new evidence come to light involving Mustaf in the assassination of Sabihah’s parents?” Even as Khalid asked the question he knew he was clutching at straws.
    â€œI believe someone will come forward now Princess Sabihah is returning to assume the throne.”
    Again, Khalid wasn’t so sure. It had been a long time since the murders and people were terrified of Mustaf.
    â€œExtra security has been arranged at the airport and the palace. Everything is proceeding as it should, Khalid,” came his father’s attempt at reassurance. “You’ve done well in convincing Princess Sabihah to return.” He cleared his throat slightly. “And judging by the video footage leaked to the media by an Australian airport employee, your marriage to our Rhajian princess will cause neither of you any undue hardship.”
    Khalid’s fingers tightened around the telephone as he absorbed his father’s words. “What video footage?”
    â€œYou have a habit of making headlines. You know the paparazzi hunger for photographs of you.”
    â€œTell me what you’ve seen,” he grated.
    â€œYou at the airport in a passionate embrace with a woman who was immediately recognised due to her recent act of heroism. The footage has been aired by the world’s major television networks and photos plastered over the latest editions of newspapers. She may tell you she wants a temporary marriage—” the king made a sound of amused disbelief, “—but I don’t believe you’ll have any trouble convincing her there will be no divorce.”
    Khalid cursed. For the hundredth time since he’d kissed Sabihah he berated himself for having lost control. It had been wrong on so many levels, but to have it aired publicly when he was normally so circumspect—when Inaya was awaiting his return …
    â€œInaya …”
    â€œI summoned Inaya to the palace,” King Hassan told him with censure in his voice. “As you ignored my demand to break off your relationship, I informed her of your betrothal to Sabihah.”
    Khalid returned to his desk and sat down abruptly. “You had no right to do that.” He ground out the words. “It was my place to speak with Inaya, and it may not even be necessary to go through with a marriage to the Rhajian princess.”
    â€œThe marriage will take place.” His father’s words were an adamant decree. “Would you have preferred Inaya to hear of your upcoming marriage on the news?”
    If Khalid had his way there’d be no upcoming marriage. Sabihah must be made to accept her responsibility. The political support and advice she received from her allies would have to be enough to assist her in ruling wisely.
    â€œI intend to speak with Inaya as soon as I arrive and explain the situation.” He slumped into his chair, closing his eyes briefly. He should’ve been the one to inform Inaya of what was happening and why.
    â€œStay away from her,” came the royal order. “You should have ended the relationship before you left for Australia.”
    Khalid’s teeth clamped together so tightly a muscle ticked in his cheek. He would not be dictated to in this. Although he hadn’t even hinted that he was planning to propose to her, Inaya deserved more from him. She needed to know that this betrothal was never one he’d contemplated. He would tell her that it was King Hassan and

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