‘To Band, then, to see this person who is old.’
‘ AS OLD AS THE HILLS, AS OLD . . .’ The Bank paused. There was no sound, but Dom got the distinct impression it was laughing. ‘… AS THE SEA. MOVE !’
Take the Creapii.
Take them as the Jokers. It was an old theory.
They were an ancient race, and they were adaptable. Literally so.
Once there had only been one kind of Creap, the silicon-oxygen Creaps of low degree, living in barbarism and molten phosphorous sulphides on a small world hugging close to the fires of one of the 70 Ophiuchis. Seventeen light years away, a brighter than average ape was seeing real possibilities in banging two stones together.
The Creapii were kindly, patient, and intensely curious. They were also pathologically humble. When they spread into space, they changed the Creap to fit the situation.
Half a million years of gene manipulation and radical molecular restructuring produced the middle-degree Creaps, based on a silicon-carbon bond, a dynamic species that lived happily enough at 500°. Soon afterwards the vats stabilized the intricate aluminium-silicon polymers of the High-Degrees, the ones that occasionally floated their rafts on cool stars.
There were others, including even a boron subspecies. Wherever a star warmed a rock beyond the melting point of tin, there was a Creap to bask in its beneficence.
The Creapii had a long history. They sought knowledge as other, cooler animals sought game. They were polite, and gentlemanly in their dealings. They mixed well. They lived in heat, but had no sexes.
Dom had liked Hrsh-Hgn’s theory.
There are many binaries in the galaxy. And often they are an ill-matched pair, one small, dense and actinic, the other huge and red. There is day on the red stars, just occasionally. And there is night on the hemisphere where the bright star does not shine. Dark? There can only be darkness on a sun by contrast.
On this sun the Jokers lived. They ...would have to be like Creapii, with an armoured integument. Certainly the huge rafts, poised on a heat-contour, would have to be protected. Before the Creapii discovered matrix-power their rafts floated on a down draught of oxidized iron, but the Jokers must have been more inventive ...a race that twisted the Chain Stars would have to be inventive.
Power would be no problem. Power enough would be very close indeed … but it was only a theory …
Take men. The Jokers had ceased to build their strange artefacts long before man arose, brother to the apes, but who knew where men had come from? And men were adaptable, or could adapt themselves. There had been a thousand years of colonization. Now the sinistrals of Widdershins had night-black skin, no body hair, a resistance to skin cancers and UV-tolerant eyes. By mere chance, too, half of them were left-handed. On Terra Novae men were stocky and had two hearts. Pineals had more in common with phnobes than other men. The men of Whole Erse lived in a permanent war. Eggplanters were simply strange, and edgy, and vegetarians green in tooth and thorn. And men, it was admitted, were the sort to glory in planet-sized memorials. Weren’t the leading Joker experts men?
Spooners could have been Jokers. As many artefacts were found on cold worlds as hot ones, and the dark side of the sun took on a new meaning in the far orbits. Sidewinders, Tarquins, The Pod, the two Evolutions of Seard … they all could have been the Jokers.
Somewhere was the Jokers World. It had been a legend so long that it was not open to doubt. There, waiting, were the secrets of the Towers, the machines that made the Chain Stars, the frictionless bearing, the meaning of the universe.
The pinpoint junctions cast a pale light along the tunnel. Dom hurried forward, darting around a small wheeled robot that was inspecting a junction box.
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