The Dark Side of Love

The Dark Side of Love by Rafik Schami Page A

Book: The Dark Side of Love by Rafik Schami Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rafik Schami
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had imprinted itself like no other on the collective memory of the village.
    Sarka had felt unwell in Mala from the first. The climate was too harsh for her, the peasants too crude, and George Mushtak didn’t love
her any more now that hatred of his rivals increasingly filled his heart, leaving no room for his wife any more. Obsessed by that hatred as he was, he was no longer the Nassif who loved her laughter and understood every stirring of her emotions. Instead, he followed his instinct, which no longer saw the difference between his beloved Laila and any other woman. Hatred also left its mark on his pride, for he realized that the more women he took, the more virile he would seem to the men of the village.
    A year after Salman’s birth, chance or the devil took her to the granary where George was making love to Saliha, the barber’s wife.
    Sofia the midwife told anyone who would listen that she didn’t understand the man, whoring around like that but still consumed by jealousy. He ought to have been a Muslim, she said, then he would have hidden Sarka from all eyes behind a veil. He felt wretched when other men looked at his beautiful wife and she let them share in her clear laughter. But Sarka loved him alone, and as long as she could still put two and two together she was faithful to him. She had a heart as pure and transparent as glass. When her lover betrayed her, however, that glass was left with a crack the size of a star in it. She wept for four days. “You don’t love me, you don’t love me,” she repeated countless times, long after he had left the room, and she flung her head back and forth and took no notice of anything going on around her.
    But George Mushtak realized that his love for her crippled him. She wasn’t well, she complained and wept all the time, as if Laila had died and Sarka was only her wretched husk. He didn’t know what to do. When he was with her, she begged him not to go away. But life outside wouldn’t wait. He couldn’t sit at her bedside for ever, holding her hand, while that bastard Jusuf Shahin was trying to destroy him.
    Jusuf had married a clever woman from Aleppo. She was his closest confidante, and the secret leader of the anti-Mushtak campaign. Her name was Samia. She was a witch, but she lent her husband wings, whereas Sarka had been like a leaden weight clinging to George’s feet ever since their arrival in Mala. When little Salman began crying at night, he had another room prepared for her, on the first floor at the other end of the house, and from then on he slept more peacefully.
    One night soon after the birth of her second son Hasib she felt
that she couldn’t breathe. She rose from her bed and quietly went out. The wind refreshed her face. She took deep breaths of night air. The moon was shining brightly; you could almost hear the silver silence. Suddenly the yard gate sprang open, and she felt a strange current drawing her away. Like a feather with no will of its own, she flitted through the gateway and on past the church of St. Giorgios to the terraced fields. Only when she reached the distant threshing floor did she realize that she was barefoot. She turned and went back to bed, and next day she would have thought the whole thing was only a dream, but for the thistles still clinging to her dress.
    A little while after that, people began whispering about a ghost that haunted the fields on nights of full moon, softly singing nursery rhymes. Those who heard that song, they said, fell victim to a spell that turned them too into children and led them to their ruin.
    Sarka was indeed always out and about now when the moon was full. One night she was walking over the hill near the graveyard when she noticed a man following her. She stopped and turned to face him. He stood rooted to the spot in the moonlight. He was slender, and as beautiful as a youth. Sarka went on singing, and he listened to her song like a

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