The Dangerous Gift

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Book: The Dangerous Gift by Jane Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Hunt
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Jen’s shoulder. She jumped, and Jared smiled. “Sorry, Kitten. I don’t think you heard me above your beautiful singing.” He ducked as an empty file came his way.
    “How long have you’ve been there?” Jen glared at him.
    “Moments. I heard your…singing as I came downstairs.” Jared couldn’t hide his smugness.
    “I need another thirty minutes and I’ll be finished,” Jen said. “I’m going for a ride afterwards.”
    Jared shelved his original plans. “I’ll come too. We can ride towards the western perimeter fence. I want to check that it’s sound before we let the horses down there.”
    “You could show me some of the trails you plan to use for the dude ranch visitors. I’ll need to know where to take them,” Jen said as she filed the neat stacks of receipts and invoices.
    “So you haven’t changed your mind now you’ve thought about it?” Jared searched her face for any trace of doubt.
    “No. I cancelled my flight late last night, when you went to bed. I’ve also contacted my tutor and deferred my master’s degree.” Jen’s defiant expression said, “Decision made, don’t argue.”
    Jared didn’t want Jen to sacrifice her education for him, no matter how much he wanted her to stay in Texas. “I didn’t think that was possible. I bet you tutor wasn’t happy about your decision.”
    Jen’s voice didn’t waver. “She wasn’t ecstatic, no, but once I explained about Annie and Ralf and the legacy, she agreed to let me defer until the next academic year. So we have a little over six months to make this work.”
    “So you want to work on the dude ranch project for six months and see if you like it?” Jared smiled. At least this gave Jen options. “If you’re not happy, or it’s not the right fit, at least you have a fall-back plan.” Jared couldn’t keep the relief from his voice.
    “I do. Happy now?” Jen’s relieved expression betrayed her. Clearly, she thought he would insist on her finishing her second degree before moving back to the ranch. That would be the responsible thing to do, but Jared needed her, and not just to help with the dude ranch. Whatever their difficulties, they would be resolved easier if they were in the same country.
    “Of course, but don’t think you’re not finishing your degree. Six months and then you go back until it’s finished.” Jared noted the wary look she gave him. That was good. He didn’t want to be predictable where she was concerned. “I’ll see you later.”
    Jennie put the last of the documents away. They still needed work, but she knew the basics of how the ranch stood financially. The last box file wouldn’t fit on the shelf. She stood on tiptoes but couldn’t see what was blocking it. She reached up to find the obstruction but couldn’t feel it, either. When she was about to go and get a chair to stand on, her hand located a sheaf of papers wedged up against the back of the shelf. Jennie pulled. It wouldn’t budge. She pulled again. This time, a box file and a pile of papers tumbled down, missing her head by inches. Cross but unhurt, she retrieved the errant folder. An old dog-eared report drew her gaze. She turned it over and read:
    Exploratory Geological Survey:
    Unicorn and Pegasus Ranch .
    The report was dated two years ago and was authored by a surveying corporation based in Dallas.
    “Are you done yet?” Jared’s voice drifted across the hallway and made Jennie jump.
    “See you outside in five minutes.” Jennie wanted to have a quick look at the report first.
    “I’m timing you.” Jared’s laughter faded as he walked away.
    Jennie gathered up the papers and stood up. She lifted the now-restored box file to its new home. It fit in perfectly. She scanned the contents of the old report with a practiced eye, familiar with business reports, even though she wasn’t a geologist.
    Page 200—Report in Summary.
    Sitting on the edge of the desk, she read the summary. The

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