The Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers
headboard. "You don't
understand, Lizzie. He's not a slayer like you. He's… a
He ran his hands through his hair. With a shock, I noticed it had begun to
gray. "This hunter is more of a creature than a man."
    Fine. I rubbed my temples.
. I couldn't hope to help Dimitri
without all the facts. "What is a hunter anyway?"
    Dimitri seemed to know I was up to something. Still he answered,
reluctantly. "Hunters kill demons, but they aren't born to it, like
slayers. They're chosen. And with each kill, they lose a part of their
humanity. The one I met tonight is no better than the demons he
    I found that difficult to believe. Anything or anybody willing to slay a
demon got a gold star in my book. "How can you make a blanket statement
like that? How do you know that hunters—"
    "I've met my share of them, Lizzie." He drank me in like a cat
contemplating a particularly tasty snack. "I learned about this one years
ago when I was looking for a slayer—you."
    Of course. Back when Dimitri would have done anything to kill the demon
who'd attacked his family. Now he'd shifted that loyalty to me.
    "You attacked him, didn't you?" The old Dimitri would have tried
negotiation first. I wasn't so sure about this new man in front of me.
    He snarled at the memory. "Actually, he went after me. He seems to
think I'm bad for the neighborhood."
    The truth of it shocked me to the core. "He knows the succubi are
feeding off you."
    It drove me nuts that he felt he had to be here—defenseless and alone—for
me, when facing the hunter was probably the one thing I could have done right
tonight. I was a demon slayer, and curse it all, I might not know the ins and
outs of the magical world, or who did what, but I knew how to throw a switch
    This was another area where I could—and would—take charge.
    He eyed me suspiciously.
    "Why are you looking at me like that?" I demanded.
    Dimitri secured a small, ornate box from the table next to the bed. It
reminded me of an antique snuffbox. "Stay away from the hunter," he
said, his back to me as he clicked the box open.
    He rubbed an ointment along the scratches on his neck, down the angry red
slashes on his chest. My throat went dry as I watched his fingers glide lower,
over muscle and skin.
    I forced myself to look away.
    "We lost Phil," I told him.
    I explained how we'd had him and how Serena had stolen him back right from
under us.
    "We need to do something," I told him. "Figure out their
plans, even if it means forming an alliance with this hunter."
    "No." He shoved the box back onto the dresser. "I know how
much you want to act immediately, Lizzie," he said, choosing his words
    He should. Dimitri was the king of barreling off. I'd seen him go after
black souls, possessed werewolves, you name it. He brushed back a lock of my
hair, and I almost felt like I was speaking to the real Dimitri, except for his
possessive grip, and the roughness in his voice.
    He rubbed his thumbs over my palms and I detected some sort of oil.
"Did you get this from Battina?" I asked, catching a faint hint of
aloe and spice.
    "It's an old family recipe. I told you I could handle this," he
said, his eyes fading to amber.
    They still weren't brown, and I still didn't believe him.
    "You need to understand," Dimitri continued, as if he wasn't in
mortal danger, "it's suicide to chase a succubus in this city, especially
if she's gained an immense amount of power. We wait for them to act."
    I wanted to say something snarky, given who was dishing out that particular
piece of advice. But deep down, I knew he was right. I wasn't stupid. I was
    Tears welled at the back of my eyes. If we'd focused on freeing Phil this
afternoon… If we'd acted faster… I dropped my head, trying to
collect myself.
    Now I was about to fail with Dimitri. "I'm going to ask you this once,
with everything I have. Please, for the love of… us. Leave this
    Dimitri drew his shoulders back, like an immense

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