The Cypher Wheel

The Cypher Wheel by Alison Pensy Page B

Book: The Cypher Wheel by Alison Pensy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Pensy
Tags: Fantasy, Young Adult
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make it work
for me. Are you?”
    “A little, but then, I always am before a quest. I
think it makes me more focused.”
    “Really? You never show it. I would never have
guessed you were nervous about anything.”
    Jocelyn smiled and turned until she was lying on her
back. She was looking up at the ceiling when Faedra did the same
thing. A few moments later, her eyes became heavy and she drifted
off to sleep.

    Faedra was pulled from her sleep by a gentle touch on
her arm. She took in a deep breath as she willed her eyes to open.
Her foggy brain registered her Guardian over her beside the bed.
She blinked several times to focus her eyes.
    “Is it time to go?” she asked.
    “It is. Carina has the horses ready for us.”
    Faedra turned and leaned over to give Jocelyn a
gentle shake. “Time to get up, Jocelyn.”
    “Already?” Jocelyn mumbled.
    “Come on, sleepy head. Up you get,” another voice
    Faedra and Jocelyn propped themselves up on their
beds to see Etyran leaning up against the door way, arms crossed
over his chest and one foot crossed lazily over the other at the
ankle. He gave Jocelyn a warm smile and Faedra could feel his
energy radiate into the room. Faedra and Jocelyn looked at each
other and exchanged knowing smiles.
    Faedra sat up and took Faen's offered hand as he
pulled her up to stand.
    “Thanks.” Faedra leaned in and kissed him on the
cheek. “Well, let's get this show on the road then, shall we?” She
grabbed her pouch and slung it across her body.
    Etyran stepped aside and let the two ladies exit
first. They walked into the main cavern to be greeted by Carina and
Anwynn, who were waiting with six horses.
    “Six horses?” Faedra looked up and asked Faen.
    “Carina and Anwynn are going to ride with us to the
edge of the forest. They know the quickest and safest route
through,” Faen explained.
    Faedra nodded. It made sense to her.
    They led their horses through the tunnel in single
file until they were at the opening.
    Faedra braced herself for the icy sensation she would
feel when she walked through the entrance to the caves. It was a
very unpleasant feeling. She wasn't looking forward to experiencing
it a second time.
    Once outside, they mounted their horses and followed
behind Carina and Anwynn. The forest was even more eerie at
nighttime. Faedra felt almost smothered by the silence that hung
all around them.
    The only noise was made by the soft hoof falls of the
horses as they walked along the soft dirt trail. The odd twig
snapped under foot, making Faedra flinch and forcing her to push
back the power that threatened to come rushing forward. Faedra took
some deep breaths to calm her nerves that were now beginning to
surface. She hadn't felt nervous when they were in the safety of
the cave, but now, heading towards the castle, reality was raising
its ugly head. She just hoped they could pull off their plan. It
was pretty adventurous to say the least, and if any part of it
didn't work, the whole mission could fail. Every step had to go as
planned, or they probably wouldn't get Allora and Skylar to
    Most of the journey to the edge of the forest was
made in silence. Faedra heard Jocelyn and Etyran whisper quietly to
each other behind her. Faen, who was riding beside her, had tried
to engage her in conversation several times, but she was
concentrating so hard on keeping calm, she'd been too distracted to
respond with much more than a yes or no. Luckily Faen realized what
was going on and fell silent after a little while. Faedra knew this
because she could sense his compassionate energy wrap around her
like a soft woolen shawl, which helped soothe her, too.
    Sensing people's energy may have started out being
overwhelming, but she was discovering that it was a very useful
tool to have in her arsenal. Now, if she could only figure out how
to control and use the rest of what was bubbling inside of her. She
looked over at her Guardian and gave him a warm

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