The Crown Jewels

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Book: The Crown Jewels by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
that led to the family’s quarters.
    Bertolf, always at my side, began following along.
    “Bertolf, get lost,” I said. “I don’t need you right now. Go give Willy a walk.”
    “Whatever you say, good sir,” he replied, turning on his heel and leaving. Bertolf had been with me all my life, except for the time I spent in the states. My parents had tried to send him with me, but I insisted I would never be able to experience a normal life with my butler following me around. I’d grown quite fond of him over the years, even if I did give him grief every chance I got. He wasn’t above giving it back, either, although he saved most of his backtalk for when we were alone.
    I showed Jewels my mother’s apartment first. Her rooms were the most opulent of the entire palace, with gilded ceilings and gold trimmed, antique furniture lining the halls and filling each room. Ornate paintings and tapestries hung on every wall, with tasseled draperies framing each window, providing a perfect view out of every one of them.
    To me, this was normal. But when I looked at the awe in Jewel’s eyes, I knew she was beyond impressed. I watched her carefully as she examined every painting, looked out every window, and ran her hands along each velvet settee and chaise that we passed.
    “Everything is so exquisite, every room is like a box of priceless treasures,” she whispered as we walked from room to room.
    “I suppose it is,” I replied.
    “What was it like growing up here?” she asked. “I always knew you were a Prince, but for some reason, back in the States, I never imagined something like this.”
    “It was boring, actually. We weren't really allowed to be children. Everything in the palace is fragile and expensive, and our entire lives were planned out for us. Bertolf was assigned to keep a close eye on me, and much to his dismay, I did my best to test the limits and break all the rules. I think that’s why I loved my time in America so much, it was the complete opposite of this.”
    When I mentioned the past, sadness washed over her face, and I felt another pang of guilt.
    “Hey! Do you want to see the Crown Jewels?” I asked.
    She looked at me warily before replying. “Is that some kind of innuendo, Will?”
    “Oh!” I laughed. “You’re already familiar with those jewels, aren’t you, hjärtat? Anytime you want to see them again, you just let me know…” I let my voice trail off, a silent invitation.
    She hit my arm playfully as shook her head and laughed with me.
    “I was referring to the Royal Famlily’s priceless collection of heirloom jewelry, though,” I said.
    “I’d love to see the jewels,” she replied, giggling.
    “This way, My Lady,” I said with a flamboyant sweeping gesture. She walked a few steps ahead of me and my gaze was glued to the way the dress moved on her gorgeous, tight ass. My cock responded immediately, after having gone back into its shell for a moment. Now, here it was, back and hard as a rock, reminding me that my lust for Jewels was never too far from my consciousness.
    “We call it the vault of the Royal Treasury,” I said as we made our way out of the castle and around to the entrance to the vault in the back of the palace. I opened the door and led Jewels down a large hallway. “It’s a museum that’s open to the public normally, but it’s closed during the annual Christmas party. We keep all the jewels here, and my God, if there isn’t a king’s ransom in there. Passed down from generation to generation over hundreds of years. They’re quite beautiful, if you’re into that sort of thing. Only the family is allowed in the vault when the guards aren’t here, but you’re practically family already, so I’ll allow you a peek.”
    I punched in the secret code on the keypad outside the heavy, metal doors and they opened with a soft woosh. We walked down more stairs and into the darkness of the vault.
    “Are you sure this isn’t a dungeon?” Jewels whispered.

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