The Critchfield Locket
fetch the doctor at once. If it is acceptable to you, Mrs. Thompson will escort you to a guest room where you may rest.”
    Kate nodded in agreement as gently as she could, trying not to make her headache worse. As if by summons, Margaret reappeared and assisted Mrs. Thompson in helping Kate along the way. They ascended the grand staircase, slowly making their way to an oval shaped room. It was furnished with antique styled furniture including a four-poster bed that looked comfortable and inviting. Kate barely noticed Margaret helping her change out of her gown and into a garment more suitable for sleep.
    Kate could hear whispered conversations and the gentle touch of someone’s hand on her wrist. The intense pain she had earlier felt in her head had become a dull ache. She opened her eyes slowly, almost fearful of what she would see. Thankfully the lights were dim which helped her eyes adjust easily.
    “Ah, she is coming around now.”
    Kate turned towards the voice and saw a gentleman, most likely in his fifties, patting her hand.
    “I am Doctor Preston Granville and this” he said motioning towards a woman “is my wife and assis tant, Mrs. Alice Granville. You have been asleep nearly four hours now. Mr. Bennett has informed me that when you first arrived, you were unaware of your surroundings or how you came to be here. Is that correct Ms. Dornacher?”
    “Yes, yes it is. I still have no clarity about any of it.” Kate tried to remain calm. Sleeping had not been helpful in clearing her mind. Why can I not remember?
    “What can you tell me about yourself? Do you know what day it is? Do you remember where you are from, how old you are?”
    “I, I am twenty-eight years old and… I am from Loganville. Beyond that, my memories are jumbled. The only clear memories are of when I found myself sitting on the ground in front of this house.”
    Kate watched the doctor turn his head and followed his gaze to the dark corner across the room. She had not noticed Mr. Bennett lurking there before. He stood with his arms folded across his chest and nodded at the doctor. The two men proceeded to exit the room, waiting until they were in the hallway to discuss the doctor’s findings.
    Nicholas Bennett had become unnerved as he watched the doctor care for a woman in his house. As much as he cared for the Granville’s he was glad that their visit was soon to end.
    “Well Preston, do you know what is wrong with her?”
    “The best I can tell, she is suffering from a case of amnesia. Usually the cause is trauma to the head and although I did not readily ascertain an injury, she may have sustained one. It is also believed by some in the medical community that a traumatic experience can bring on amnesia as well. Perhaps she witnessed something terrible and does not wish to recall it.”
    “How long before she might remember?”
    “That often varies from person to person. Sometimes a patient will remember everything all at once, sometimes it comes back to them slowly, and sometimes never. The triggers that help spur on the memories vary as well. Only time will tell if Ms. Dornacher will remember her situation.”
    “I see.” his voice seemed distant “Thank you for all of your help.”
    “Nicholas,” the older man turned and faced him straight on “this woman is a long way from home and even though she ended up on your doorstep, you are not responsible for her. Perhaps the Dickson’s could take her in until she is back on her feet and ready to travel.”
    “I will certainly take that under advisement. Now, if you will excuse me.”
    “Of course, of course. We will show ourselves out.”
    Mrs. Granville joined the men, having allowed them to confer privately. Nicholas shook his friend’s hand and made his way to the library. He was feeling out of sorts and knew sleep would not come easy tonight. He hoped that busying himself with some work would help quiet his thoughts. However, once he sat down at his desk and looked

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