The Cradle King

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Authors: Alan Stewart
Tags: History, Biography, Non-Fiction, Christian
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of a poeme. Penned in French, by the Noble Poet, G. Salust. Lord of Bartas. Englished by Tho. Hudson (Edinburgh: Thomas Vautrollier, 1584)
    Hudson, Thomas, Historie of Judith, ed. James Craigie (Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society, 1941)
    Johnston, Arthur ed., Delitiae poetarvm Scotorvm hujus ævi illvstrivm, 2 vols (Amsterdam: Iohannes Blaev, 1637)
    Johnston, Robert, The Historie of Scotland during the Minority of King James, trans. T.M. (London, 1646)
    King, John, A Sermon at Paules Crosse (London: 1620)
    Knox, John, The History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland, ed. William McGavin (Glasgow: Blackie, Fullarton & Co., 1831)
    Knox, John, A Sermon preached by Iohn Knox Minister of Christ Iesus in the Publique audience of the Church of Edenbrough, within the Realme of Scotland, vpon Sonday, the 19. of August. 1565. (Edinburgh, 1566)
    M., T., The Copie of a Letter written from Master T.M. neer Salisbury, to Master H.A. at London, concerning the proceeding at Winchester  … (London: R.B., 1603)
    [Marcelline, George], The Triumphs of King Iames the First, Of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, King; Defender of the Faith. Published vpon his Maiesties aduertisement to all the Kings, Princes, and Potentates of Christendome, and confirmed by the wonderfull Works of God, declared in his life (‘Brittaines Burse’: John Budge, 1610)
    Melvill, Andrew, Στ ɛ ϕανισκιον. Ad Scotiae regem, habitvm in coronatione reginae (Edinburgh: Robert Waldegrave, 1590)
    Milwarde, John, Jacobs Great Day of Trovble, and Deliverance. A Sermon Preached at Pauls Crosse, the fifth of August 1607. vpon his Maiesties deliuerance from the Earle Gowries Treason and Conspiracie (London: Eleazar Edgar, 1610)
    Osborne, Francis, Advice to a Son. Or Directions For your better Conduct, 6th edn (Oxford: H.H. for Tho. Robinson, 1656)
    Osborne, Francis, A Miscellany of Sundry Essayes, Paradoxes, and Problematicall Discourses, Letters and Characters (London: John Grismond, 1659)
    The Peace-Maker: or, Great Brittaines Blessing (London: Thomas Purfoot, 1619)
    A Proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of William Ruthven, and Patricke Ruthven, brethren to the late Earle of Gowrie (London: Robert Barker, 1603)
    Russell, John, Verba Ioann. Rvsselli ivreconsvlti pro senatv popvloqve Edinbvrgensi habita, ad serenissimam Scotorum Reginam Anna, dum Edinburgum ingreditur 19. Maij. An. 1590 (Edinburgh: Robert Waldegrave, 1590)
    Sanderson, William, A Compleat History of The Lives and Reigns of Mary Queen of Scotland, And of Her Son and Successor, James The Sixth, King of Scotland  … (London: Humphrey Mosley, Richard Tomlins and George Sawbridge, 1666)
    [Scott, Thomas], The Belgicke Pismire: Stinging the slothfull Sleeper, and Awaking the Diligent to Fast, Watch, Pray; And Worke Ovt their Owne Temporall and Eternall Salvation with Feare and Trembling (London, 1622)
    Sempill, James, Sacrilege sacredly Handled, that is, according to Scripture onely (London: W. Jones for E. Weaver, 1619)
    A Short Discovrse of the good ends of the higher prouidence, in the late attemptat against his Maiesties person ([London]: Robert Waldegraue, 1600)
    Spottiswoode, John, The History of the Church and State of Scotland, 4th edn (London: R. Royston, 1677)
    Spottiswoode, John, The History of the Church of England, 3 vols (Edinburgh: Bannatyne Club, 1850)
    ‘Tortus, Matthaeus’, Responsio Matthaei Torti presbyteri, et theologi papiensis, ad librvm inscriptvm, Triplici nodo triplex cvnevs (Coloniae Agrippinae: Bernard Gualther, 1608)
    Turquet de Mayerne, Théodore, Opera Medica  … ed. Joseph Browne (London: D. Browne and Rich. Smith, 1703)
    Turquet de Mayerne, Théodore, Praxeos Mayernianœ in Morbis internis prœcipue Graviorius & Chronicis Syntagma (London: Sam. Smith, 1690)
    Vox Popvli. Or Newes from Spayne, translated according to the Spanish coppie. Which may serve to forwarn both England and the Vnited Provinces how farre to trust to Spanish pretences (1620)

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