The Cowbear's Christmas Bride (Curvy Bear Ranch 4)
second of time.
    “Hank!” Sheriff Tanner said. “How’ve you been? How’s Logan doing with his new wife?”
    “Good. I’m sorry to be abrupt, but we have a dangerous situation going on out at Trevor Sawyer’s place,” Hank said.
    “What’s he into now?”
    “Domestic violence.”
    “Shit. Who is it this time?” Tanner asked.
    “Vicki Fuller.”
    “That darn woman has the worst taste in men. What did he do?”
    “Gave her a black eye,” Carol said, perking up for the first time since they left the cabin. “You have to go save her.”
    “Vicki is Carol’s mom,” Hank said.
    “Well I’ll be dammed. I didn’t know she had a daughter,” he said. “Did you see him hit her?”
    “No,” Hank replied.
    “Does she want to file a report?”
    “No,” Carol said, dejected.
    “There’s not a whole lot I can do if she won’t report it.” The sheriff glanced at Carol, then stood. “All right, how about I head over there and check things out? If she wants to make a report, I’ll arrest him on the spot.”
    “Thank you,” Carol said as she flung her arms around the lawman.
    “No need for that ma’am,” he said while giving Hank an awkward shrug.
    “Will you call the ranch later and give us an update?” Carol asked.
    “Normally I wouldn’t be able to do that, but since she’s your mother, I’ll make an exception. Just don’t tell anyone,” he said.
    “I won’t,” Carol said.
    “You folks head on home and I’ll give you a call.”
    “Thank you.” Hank shook his hand and then wrapped an arm around Carol and guided her toward the truck.
    The trip back to the ranch held a somber note. Carol stared out of the window most of the way before turning to gaze at him. He was afraid to ask what she was thinking. At this point, he just wanted to get her home and into a hot bath.
    When they arrived at the ranch, he had to maneuver her past Madison, Mack, Cody, and Drew while promising to give them an update later. He followed her into her room. After turning on the hot water in the bathtub, he helped her undress.
    “Do you want me to sit with you?” he asked.
    “Okay.” He tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice. “I’ll come back up as soon as the sheriff calls.”
    “Wait,” she said. “Can you wait for me in my room? I don’t want to be alone right now.”
    “I’ll be right here, honey.”
    As she drifted into the bathroom, he dragged a chair to her bedside and sat. As the minutes melted away, he kept glancing at the clock. Other than the occasional splash of water, she’d been silent. He wanted to check on her, but also wanted to give her the space she needed. He couldn’t bear the thought of her sending him away.
    She finally emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy white robe. She looked so little, bundled up in all that cloth. Without a word, she slid into bed. She rolled onto her side to face him and gazed into his eyes.
    “Tell me we did everything we could,” she said.
    “We did. The sheriff should be calling soon.” He wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay, but that would have been a lie. He had no idea what was happening back at the cabin. He glared at the phone, willing it to ring.
    As if his prayer had been answered, a shrill ring pierced the silence of the room. Carol lunged for the phone.

    Chapter 9
    “Hello?” Carol said.
    “This is Sheriff Tanner.”
    “How’s my mom?” Her heart hammered in her chest. She held the phone so Hank could hear.
    “She wouldn’t talk, but I arrested Trevor anyway,” Tanner said.
    “On what grounds?” Hank asked.
    “Drunk and disorderly. On my way up to the cabin, I got a call from dispatch. An owner from one of the bars claimed Trevor was in there breaking glasses against the wall. Owner wanted to press charges. Worked for me,” the sheriff said.
    “How long can you hold him?” Hank asked.
    “Until he makes bail, so that’ll at least be twenty-four hours. Might take

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