The Convenience of Lies

The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo

Book: The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Castillo
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causing damage is going back and seeing how long it lasts. This way, they won't be able to revel in their misdeed for too long.
    Eventually our conversation shifts to other things. Kira tells me about a boy she met in Russia who she found attractive and about how rude her cousin was to her the whole time she was there. I tell her about my antics with Cody and Shane. It is just like old times. I slowly become aware of a knot that's been inside my chest for the past two months because I feel it finally releasing and being replaced with a sense of peace and calm. I still have my best friend, and it's like no time has passed. We are still two peas in a pod.
    “Have you seen any movies this summer?” I ask Kira. A bunch of excellent ones have come out.
    “No, I wanted to ask you, have there been any good ones?” I can't believe how much she has missed.
    “Yes. We have to see
Pirates of the Caribbean
! I loved it!”
    “Is that the one with Orlando Bloom?” Kira seems interested.
    “Yes, he's in it. So is Keira Knightly.” Kira nods her head. “You also have to see
Finding Nemo
! That's a really big one that came out this summer. It's so good; everyone loves it.”
    “Do you want to go see one?” Kira asks me.
    “Now?” I am taken aback. But then I remember, this is how Kira is. She is spontaneous. It's one of the things that draws me to her.
    “Yeah, why not? If that's okay.” She has misread my surprise as reluctance. I hurriedly assure Kira that I'm totally down to go see a movie, and we head over to the theatre. It looks like we have excellent timing because
Finding Nemo
is starting in ten minutes.
    I'm grinning from ear to ear. I can't wait to see
Finding Nemo
again, and I am excited to get to show it to Kira.
Finding Nemo
has been like a cultural revolution. EVERYBODY has seen it. I want her to be up to date, and I am jumping at the idea that I'm the one who is introducing it to her.
    After the movie is over, Kira enthusiastically assures me that she liked it. I look at the kiosks in front of the other theaters as we walk out, and see that
is starting soon in a theatre we are passing by. “Oh, it looks like
Pirates of the Caribbean
is coming up in that theatre,” I inform Kira quietly.
    She knows exactly what I'm implying and gives me a devious sideways look. “Do you want to watch it?” She asks me, also quietly. I can see her eyes darting around to see if there are any theater employees working nearby. I decide to check to see if the coast is clear also. There's nobody in sight. The theatre is not busy because it's the middle of the day, and everybody is at work.
    We both come to the same conclusion at the same time. “Yes, I do want to watch it,” I say, a devious grin spreading across my face. Kira is grinning also. She grabs my arm, and we dart into the theater, giggling. We are both looking around to see if anybody will catch us, and nobody does. We are enthralled by our luck. As we examine the theatre, we can see there's only one other group of three in there. Perfect! We are getting away with this! We choose some seats towards the middle and sit down. This is my first time ever movie hopping, and I can feel my heart pounding with excitement. This is another thing that draws me to Kira; she is willing to be a little mischievous with me every once in a while. I feel like I'm in the clouds. Everything else that has happened doesn't matter. I have my best friend back, and we are enjoying ourselves in style.
is over, it has gotten rather late. I bid Kira farewell as I drop her off at her house. We are both glowing. This day couldn't have gone better.
    As I head home, Cody calls me on my cell, “Shane and I had an awesome time today.” It's like Cody is trying to make me feel guilty about not hanging out with him today. I pretend to miss this pretext.
    “That's good. I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves,” I say honestly.
    “You missed out. We went to Denny's, and Shane

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