The Contessa's Vendetta

The Contessa's Vendetta by Mirella Sichirollo Patzer Page A

Book: The Contessa's Vendetta by Mirella Sichirollo Patzer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mirella Sichirollo Patzer
Tags: Historical
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were those of a woman of noble rank. I know a lady when I see one. Arrivederci, dama ! Command me when you will. I shall be happy to serve you again.”
    I gave him my warmest smile and Santina , Paolo, and I stepped from the brig onto the dock.
    “ Mille grazie !” I called out to him.
    And thus I left him, standing bareheaded on the deck of his small vessel, waving good-heartedly as I walked away. His ideas of right and wrong were odd, and he lied better than many people who told the truth. I could not dislike him.
    We went immediately in search of a place to stay. I engaged three rooms for several weeks at the finest inn I could find.
    My second need was to purchase clothes. I found a quaint dressmaker ’s shop where I ordered numerous gowns to be made in the finest materials - brocatella, gold cloth, silks, damasks, brocades, and velvets. Santina was also to receive several gowns, not as fine as mine, of course, but appropriate enough for a lady’s personal maid. By the look of delight on her face, I knew her new gowns of linen and lace pleased her. I did not forget Paolo either, who received new shirts, doublets, and jerkins.   
    I gave the dressmaker my new name and the address of the inn. She served me with flattering humbleness and allowed me the use of her private back-room, where I discarded the drowned woman ’s gown for a ready-made gown constructed in an elaborate brocade, its bodice embellished with embroidered roses and foliage with colorful beading. The main skirt was in a deep cream silk, opening at the front to show a brocade panel, enhanced with pearls.
    Thus arrayed, we returned to the inn where I would spend the coming weeks preparing for the act of retribution that lay before me.
    I needed to find a safe place for the coins and gems I kept hidden on my person. I sought out the leading banker in Pescara. After introducing myself with my fake name, I explained how I had recently returned to Pescara after several years’ absence. He received me with utmost cordiality. Despite his astonishment at the vast wealth I presented to him, including the bag of jewels, most of which, because of their remarkable size and lustre, seemed to daze and impress him, he accepted it all and arranged for its safe keeping,
    As payment, I gave him a fine sapphire and two rose -cut diamonds, all unset. “Please have a ring made for yourself,” I said as I placed the gems into his sweaty palm.
    His eye widened with surprise. “But I cannot possibly accept such a gift.”
    “ But I insist,” I said in my most commanding voice. “It is the least I can do to compensate you for protecting my riches.”
    He did not argue any further. His covetous desire to possess the exceptional stones prevailed. He swiftly tucked them into his waist pouch then inundated me with his gratitude. 
    I could not help but smile. My bribe had worked. Not only had I secured his services, but he either forgot or saw no need to ask me for personal references, which would have been impossible for me to provide.
    With this matter attended to, I turned my attention to my next dilemma – how to disguise myself so that no one would ever recognize me, either by appearance or gesture, as the late Carlotta Mancini. Already, my face had filled out and I looked young again. The spark of life and freedom glimmered in my eyes once more and I knew it would give me away to anyone who once knew me. What should I do about my tell-tale eyes?
    An idea immediately came to mind. I decided to feign weak eye-sight made worse by the sun ’s brilliance. A pair of spectacles would cover my eyes and cover much of my face. From a small shop specializing in Venetian glass, I purchased a hand-held mirror and a pair of dark-tinted spectacles. Ribbons attached to the silver frames kept them looped over my ears so I would not need to hold them in place with my hands. When I returned to my room at the inn, I examined myself in the mirror. The eye glasses disguised my most

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