water on reserve just in case. We need more food always. In a group our size all the resources will go faster than we think it should. It is important to keep as ahead on this stuff as possible. If we need to make a run for something else we need to include food and water.” “Damn it, Joey. You had to go and make sense. It doesn't mean I like the idea of anyone going out again, but yeah, it does make sense to keep on top of stuff.” I conceded. “So, when do you think we should go?” Trent said with a totally serious there is no negotiation here sort of tone, “You're not going.” “What? No. If we need stuff we need to have a team that works well together to make sure we all get out of it alive. We have proven that we can get in and get out and take care of business and no one gets hurt.” I was hurt that Trent was going to dismiss me so quickly. “Yeah, we have proven that. But the fact remains that you are not going. We need a nurse here to take care of people if something goes wrong. You've also proven that you can handle a situation here if there is a zombie hit.” He leaned close to give me a kiss and in low tones, for my ears only, whispered “I need to know you are safe, especially since we've never done a multiple hit run. I need to know that if things end up bad that Drew won't be an orphan. I can't stand the idea that I could lose my wife and my son could be alone. I would be so wrapped up in that I know I would make a mistake and people would suffer for it. Please, Cali, please don't fight me on this. Just stay. Please.” I had no response to this. "So, when are you guys taking off?" I asked them both. I was working hard to keep tears in check. Trent and Joey looked at each other thoughtfully. "Way I see it, the sooner the better. The longer we wait the more likely it will be that the things we are going to be after will be already gone from other survivors getting to it first or that the zombies will be more plentiful and/or more hungry." Joey responded. Trent nodded. "I agree, although I don't have any interest in doing this in the dark. First thing in the morning then?" Steven appeared at the top of the ladder offering to do watch. He explained that he had slept late that day and that there was no way that he was going to be getting any sleep that night anyway. Trent and Joey accepted the offer. They went off to talk about their plans. After they had gone, I sat down on the flat roof and looked over the city while Drew was chatting with Steven about drums. I could see the freeway in the distance. The lack of a chain of tail lights fascinated me. The silence was disorienting for a moment. There was nothing. In the world before zombies there was always something. There were airplanes and car alarms and sirens. Air conditioners would click on and off, a too loud stereo would come from either the street or another unit. Right now there was nothing. Birds had even fallen silent. I felt suddenly alone in the world. It was all gone. Reality as it was before was over. What if everyone was gone and our little complex was it? It hit me that I was starting to have a flair for dramatic right then. I stopped looking out on the town and brought my eyes back down to the complex. There were people milling about the common grounds enjoying the breeze that came with the setting sun. They were alive and thriving. Drew came up to me, sat down, and put his head on my shoulder. "Hey mom." "Hey kiddo. What's up?" "Oh nothing. Just thinking on stuff." "Like what?” "Just that this wasn't what I thought my