The Cold Steel Mind
hide.’ She grinned. ‘It’s probably the only thing I couldn’t get out of with sex.’
    16.8.524 FSC.
    Ella was watching Internet porn again. She said it was psychology research, getting inside the mind of Old Earth culture, but Aneka was pretty sure she was just hoping for a replay of the day before.
    That said, she did seem to be analysing what she was seeing. ‘I see what you mean about disgusting and perverted, sort of. I mean, there’s a couple of things here I wouldn’t try. My theory is that since sex was more taboo, it lends itself to extremes.’
    Aneka gave a slight shrug. ‘Maybe. Like I said, there were more euphemisms for it back then. People considered sex as something private. You lot think of it as an everyday topic.’
    ‘It is,’ Ella replied, ‘ and it’s private. I think that’s how it should be.’
    ‘Not that I’m disagreeing, but you would say that, this is your society.’
    ‘That’s a valid point… Why would any woman willingly get fucked by a donkey?’
    ‘Money,’ Aneka responded almost immediately. ‘Though they do say one of the old Russian tsarinas used to keep a stable of stallions for that purpose. I think it was made up by her enemies, but you never know. People have weird tastes.’
    Ella grimaced. ‘And what’s with this “bukkake” thing? I mean, I’m not averse to a facial, but…’
    ‘It’s Japanese,’ Aneka responded as though that explained everything. ‘If you want to know where it started, look it up on Wikipedia.’
    ‘Oo! I’d forgotten about that.’ The red-headed psychologist was almost gleeful as she switched to another window and typed.
    Aneka giggled. ‘Some people thought that site was going to replace people’s memories. Why bother knowing anything when you could just look it up on Wikipedia?’
    Ella’s eyes were scanning an article and she sounded a little distracted as she spoke. ‘We prize both personal knowledge and the ability to research information effectively. It’s all right to have to look things up, but it’s better if you take it in and remember it once you have. Especially when it’s one of your subjects of interest… You know, this is really interesting. I can see the humiliation aspect, especially in the original material from Japan. I can also see what this commentator says about it being a sort of “party sex” atmosphere. I’ll have to get Gillian to watch this stuff.’
    ‘I do hope that the input of Old Earth into Federation culture is not going to consist of old-style porn.’
    ‘Oh no,’ Ella replied, shaking her head for emphasis. ‘Gillian was talking about compiling some music lists to merchandise through the university’s Arts department. Monkey’s been playing practically nothing else since he heard it. Good thing Delta seems to like it too.’
    ‘Some of the lyrics are a bit… violent,’ Aneka commented.
    ‘I’ve heard some of them. The reason we don’t have those “action movies” you go on about is that they just aren’t popular. People don’t want to see other people gunned down by the hero. The music though, well even some of the violent stuff, just sounds good.’
    Aneka chuckled. ‘Some of the European symphonic rock stuff should be a hit.’
    ‘Uh-huh…’ Ella pointed to the screen. ‘Aneka, do you think you could do that to me?’ Shaking her head and grinning, Aneka wandered over to find out what ‘that’ was. Yeah, Ella was looking for a replay before their bosses got back.
    It was interrupted by Shannon, however. ‘Aneka, Ella, we have a problem. Can you get back to the Hyde, now? I’ve already summoned everyone else.’
    ‘On our way,’ Aneka replied.
    Ella pouted, but started for the door. ‘You’re not getting out of that. This is just a rain check.’
    Aneka sighed.
    ‘Could Al break Drake’s access codes to the ship?’ Shannon asked as soon as everyone was gathered in the mess.
    ‘I probably could,’ Al said, ‘but I have not.’
    ‘He says yes,

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