The Cold Equations

The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin, edited by Eric Flint Page B

Book: The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin, edited by Eric Flint Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Godwin, edited by Eric Flint
Tags: Science-Fiction
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    They stopped for the evening just within the mouth of one of the chasm's tributaries. Humbolt went out to get a drink where a trickle of water ran through the sand and as he knelt down he saw the flash of something red under him, almost buried in the sand.
    He lifted it out. It was a stone half the size of his hand; darkly translucent and glowing in the light of the setting sun like blood.
    It was a ruby.
    He looked, and saw another gleam a little farther up the stream. It was another ruby, almost as large as the first one. Near it was a flawless blue sapphire. Scattered here and there were smaller rubies and sapphires, down to the size of grains of sand.
    He went farther upstream and saw specimens of still another stone. They were colorless but burning with internal fires. He rubbed one of them hard across the ruby he still carried and there was a gritting sound as it cut a deep scratch in the ruby.
    "I'll be damned," he said aloud.
    There was only one stone hard enough to cut a ruby—the diamond.
    * * *
    It was almost dark when he returned to where Barber was resting beside their packs.
    "What did you find to keep you out so late?" Barber asked curiously.
    He dropped a double handful of rubies, sapphires and diamonds at Barber's feet.
    "Take a look," he said. "On a civilized world what you see there would buy us a ship without our having to lift a finger. Here they're just pretty rocks.
    "Except the diamonds," he added. "At least we now have something to cut those quartz crystals with."
    * * *
    They took only a few of the rubies and sapphires the next morning but they gathered more of the diamonds, looking in particular for the gray-black and ugly but very hard and tough carbonado variety. Then they resumed their circling of the chasm's walls.
    The heat continued its steady increase as the days went by. Only at night was there any relief from it and the nights were growing swiftly shorter as the blue sun rose earlier each morning. When the yellow sun rose the chasm became a blazing furnace around the edge of which they crept like ants in some gigantic oven.
    There was no life in any form to be seen; no animal or bush or blade of grass. There was only the barren floor of the chasm, made a harsh green shade by the two suns and writhing and undulating with heat waves like a nightmare sea, while above them the towering cliffs shimmered, too, and sometimes seemed to be leaning far out over their heads and already falling down upon them.
    They found no more minerals of any kind and they came at last to the place where they had seen the smoke or vapor.
    * * *
    There the walls of the chasm drew back to form a little valley a mile long by half a mile wide. The walls did not drop vertically to the floor there but sloped out at the base into a fantastic formation of natural roofs and arches that reached almost to the center of the valley from each side. Green things grew in the shade under the arches and sparkling waterfalls cascaded down over many of them. A small creek carried the water out of the valley, going out into the chasm a little way before the hot sands absorbed it.
    They stood and watched for some time, but there was no movement in the valley other than the waving of the green plants as a breeze stirred them. Once the breeze shifted to bring them the fresh, sweet scent of growing things and urge them to come closer.
    "A place like that doesn't belong here," Barber said in a low voice. "But it's there. I wonder what else is there?"
    "Shade and cool water," Humbolt said. "And maybe things that don't like strangers. Let's go find out."
    They watched warily as they walked, their crossbows in their hands. At the closer range they saw that the roofs and arches were the outer remains of a system of natural caves that went back into the valley's walls. The green vegetation grew wherever the roofs gave part-time shade, consisting mainly of a holly-leafed bush with purple flowers and a tall plant resembling corn.

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