The case of the missing books
rather strained meal and when everyone had eaten their fill of chicken and champ, Israel helped Mr Devine with the dishes while George and Brownie did various farm-type things, and then he made his excuses and went across the farmyard to his room.
    Reconciled to the fact that he was going to be spending at least a few days in his whitewashed chicken shed in this mad teetotal wasteland, Israel decided to try and make the place feel a little more like home. He began properly unpacking the rest of his belongings from his old brown suitcase, or at least those that hadn't already been ruined by the wayward shitting chickens: it was books mostly, some clean underwear, and then more books, and books and books and books, the ratio of books to underwear being about 20:1, books being really the great constant and companion in Israel's life; they were always there for you, books, like a small pet dog that doesn't die; they weren't like people; they weren't treacherous or unreliable and they didn't work late at the office on important projects or go skiing with their friends at Christmas. Since childhood Israel had been tormented by a terrible fear of being caught somewhere and having no books with him to read, a terrible prospect which had been realised on only two occasions: once, when he was about nine years old and he'd had to go into hospital to have his tonsils removed, and he'd woken up in an adult ward with dried blood on his face and not even a Beano or a Dandy annual to hand; and again, years later, when his father had had the heart attack and had been rushed to hospital, and Israel had rushed there with his mother, and there was that long period of waiting while the doctors did everything they could for him…and always since then Israel had associated the bookless state with trolley-beds and tears, that demi-world of looming horror and despair, familiar to anyone who's ever sat for long in a hospital corridor with only their thoughts for company.
    Israel piled the books onto the bed, erecting a kind of wall or a tower that might protect him from marauders, or the evil eye, or any remaining sneaky chickens, and then he changed into his holey pyjamas, and his jumper, and an extra pair of socks, and he prodded his glasses and snuggled down under the duvet–this was more like home now–and reached for the first book on the top of his pile…
    A loud tap rattled the door.
    'Hello?' he said, a little scared.
    'Only me,' said Brownie from outside.
    'Oh, right. Come in,' said Israel. 'God, you gave me a fright. I'm not used to receiving visitors.'
    'Sorry,' said Brownie, entering. When he saw Israel in bed in his pyjamas he started walking straight back out again.
    'No, it's fine,' said Israel. He glanced at his watch. It was only nine o'clock. It felt like midnight. 'Come in. Have a…' He jumped down out of bed. There were no seats to offer. 'Ah.'
    'No. It's OK,' said Brownie. 'I won't stay. I just brought you…' and he reached inside his jacket pocket and produced a small, half-full bottle of Bushmills whiskey.
    'For me? Really?' said Israel.
    Brownie handed over the bottle. 'I felt a wee bit sorry for you back there, you know, with the wine and all, and I thought you might like a…you know, a nightcap.'
    'Well, thank you, that's very kind. Do you want to—'
    'No, you're all right. I've got all this reading to do for an essay on epistemology for when I get back to college.'
    'Right. Sounds like fun.'
    'It is, actually.'
    'Good. Well, good luck with it.' Israel raised the bottle of Bushmills aloft, admiring the golden liquid. 'Is this yours, then?'
    'Aye,' said Brownie, ashamed. 'Just occasionally me and George have a wee swally, you know.'
    'A whatty?'
    'A wee dram just.'
    'You won't mention it to Granda will you?'
    'No. Of course not, no.'
    'Because he's dead against the drink.'
    'Yes. I noticed. Well. It can be our secret, eh?'
    'Aye. Well,' said Brownie. 'Any inspiration yet about finding the books?'
    'God. No.

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