The Burning Shore
don’t want. Tais-tai! she almost hissed at him. Be quiet! , and she knew that she would have to lead him all the way, she would have to lead him always, for there was a difference in him that she had not been aware of before, but she did not resent it. Somehow it made her feel very strong and sure of herself.
    They both gasped as he touched her. After a minute, she let go his wrist and searched for him and when she found him she cried out again, he was so big and hard that she felt daunted. For a moment, she wondered if she was capable of the task she had taken upon herself, then she rallied. He was awkward above her, and she had to wriggle a little and fumble. Then abruptly, when she was not expecting it, it happened, and she gasped with the shock.
    But Anna had been wrong, there was no pain, there was only a breathtaking stretching and filling sensation, and after the shock abated, a sense of great power over him.
    Yes, Michel, yes, my darling. She encouraged him as he butted and moaned and thrashed in the enfolding crucifix of her limbs, and she rode his assault easily, knowing that in these moments he belonged to her completely, and revelling in that knowledge.
    When the final convulsion gripped him, she watched his face, and saw how the colour of his eyes changed to indigo in the lamplight. Yet although she loved him then with a strength that was physically painful, still there was a tiny suspicion in the depths of her consciousness that she had missed something. She had not felt the need to scream as Elsa had screamed beneath Jacques in the straw, and immediately after that thought she was afraid.
    Michel, she whispered urgently, do you still love me?
    Tell me you love me. I love you more than my own life. His voice was broken and gusty, she could not for an instant doubt his sincerity.
    She smiled in the darkness with relief and held him close, and when she felt him going small and soft within her, she was overcome with a wave of melting compassion.
    My darling, she whispered, there, my darling, there, and she stroked his thick springing curls at the back of his head.
    It was a little time before her emotions had calmed enough for her to realize that something had changed irrevocably within her during the few brief minutes of that simple act they had performed together. The man in her arms was physically stronger than she was but he felt like a child, a sleepy child, as he cuddled against her.
    While she felt wiser and vital, as though her life up until that moment had been becalmed, drifting without direction, but now she had found her trade winds and like a tall ship she was at last bearing away purposefully before them.
    Wake up, Michel. She shook him gently and he mumbled and stirred.
    You cannot sleep now, talk to me.
    What about? Anything. Tell me about Africa. Tell me how we will go to Africa together. I’ve told you that already. Tell me again. I want to hear it all again And she lay against him and listened avidly, asking questions whenever he faltered.
    Tell me about your father. You haven’t told me what he looks like. So they talked the night away cuddled in their cocoon of grey blankets.
    Then, too soon for both of them, the guns began their murderous chorus along the ridges, and Centaine held him to her with desperate longing. Oh, Michel, I don’t want to go! then she drew away from him, sat up and began to pull on her clothes and refasten the buttons.
    That was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me, Michael whispered as he watched her, and in the light of the lantern and the flickering glow of the guns, her eyes were huge and soft, as she turned to him again. We will go to Africa, won’t we, Michel? I promise you we will.
    And I will have your son in the sunshine, and we will live happily ever after just like in the fairy stories, won’t we, Michel? They went up the lane clinging together under Centaine’s shawl, and at the corner of the stables they kissed with quiet intensity

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