The Bull Rider’s Keeper

The Bull Rider’s Keeper by Lynn Cahoon Page B

Book: The Bull Rider’s Keeper by Lynn Cahoon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Cahoon
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to grab her time when I can.” Hunter smiled. “She loves her job. Although, I don’t get why, having to corral the likes of you all the time.”
    “Well, soon I won’t be the one she’s chasing around.” Jesse slung his arm over the top of the couch.
    Hunter leaned forward. “I hear; congrats. If you need a good accountant or lawyer, let me know. I can give Barb a few names of people that worked with the dairy before we got so big we hired a full-time staff.”
    Jesse groaned. “I’m pretty sure I’ll need referrals. I know Barb’s having George look over the contract, but I don’t think he wants to be involved in all the day-to-day stuff. I’d rather not use the current gallery lawyer. I’d just feel better knowing I hired the guy and he has my back, you know?”
    “Smart man.” Hunter grinned. “Next time I see you, you’ll probably be stuffed into a suit with a Bluetooth stuck in your ear. Jesse Sullivan, art dealer.”
    “Now, don’t go crazy on me. I’m pretty sure art dealers don’t wear the monkey suit. Aren’t we supposed to dress like creative types?” Jesse thought about the one, lone suit hanging in his closet back home.
    “I think those are the artists, not the gallery owners.” Hunter stood and greeted his wife as Barb joined them.
    “I didn’t think I’d see the two of you chatting it up.” Barb kissed Hunter and then turned her attention to Jesse. “Don’t you have bull rider duties to perform?”
    “Just waiting for Taylor, then I’ll go down and play the role,” Jesse drawled.
    Barb, who had been drawing circles on her husband’s leg with her French-tipped fingernail, stopped and frowned. “Taylor’s here?”
    “Don’t look like that. I invited her.”
    Barb leaned forward. “I don’t think that’s the best idea you’ve ever had.”
    Hunter put his hand on Barb’s back. Jesse saw the movement. Was he supporting her? Or warning her?
    “Look, I’m not known for great ideas. But I think this girl may be the one.”
    Barb’s eyes widened. “Jesse, slow down. You need to think about this. Taylor is your gallery manager. Having fun is one thing, but when you have to see that person daily, well, relationships like that can get complicated.”
    “I’m not a kid, Barb.” Jesse’s words came out harsher than he’d wanted. “I like the girl. Maybe more. But I’m not an idiot. If she’s not interested she’ll tell me, and we can go back to whatever friendly relationship we had before. I need to know where I stand.”
    “I think you’re treading on thin ice, here,” Barb warned.
    “Now that doesn’t sound like the Jesse I’m beginning to know at all.”
    Jesse turned his head to see Taylor standing in front of them. He took in the sight of her. Skintight stretch jeans, a silk tank in brilliant blue, her hair loose around her shoulders. He stopped at her feet and grinned—she had on cowboy boots. He was in love.
    Barb stood and Hunter followed her lead. “Taylor, so nice to see you.” She made the introductions between Hunter and Taylor. “We were about to grab some dinner before the event. Do you two want to join us?”
    Jesse shook his head. “You know I can’t eat before I ride.” He grinned at Taylor. “I swear the bulls can smell a cheeseburger or a T-bone steak on your breath. Riders get killed that way.”
    “So most riders are vegetarians? At least on days they compete?” Taylor sat down on the sofa next to Jesse. “That’s fascinating, I’ve never heard that before.”
    “Because it’s just Jesse’s theory, not reality.” Barb laughed. “Believe me, the more you hang around the guy, the easier it will be to figure out his bullcrap.”
    “Ouch, that’s harsh.” Jesse pretended to be shot to the stomach.
    “I have to be honest with you, it’s in our contract.” Barb gave him a sweet smile, which didn’t fool him in the least.
    “Hunter, you should have run when you had the chance.” Jesse glanced over at Barb’s husband, who

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