The Brothers' Virgin Captive

The Brothers' Virgin Captive by Jenika Snow Page A

Book: The Brothers' Virgin Captive by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
Tags: Erótica, Science-Fiction, menage
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exterior. Anna was also not foolish enough to speak. Her father had not asked her a direct question, nor had he given her permission to speak. There had been many times before—before she had learned it was better to stay quiet—that she had been punished severely. But then again this was all part of her “training”. Anna Milovich needed to be the docile and submissive wife that would please her future husband.
    “There are already bids placed for you, and you are still two years out from your auction date. This makes me very pleased, Anna.” Her father smiled, but it wasn’t one of happiness. Well, possibly in his own sick and twisted way it was. He was pleased that the money was already rolling in, and securing these silent bidders had a front row seat at the auction, and therefore priority to all other bidders. Only the wealthiest of men could afford to do such a thing, and that thought frightened her immensely. Anna could only imagine the kind of man who would feel the need to “reserve” his claim on her. “You may speak your thoughts on this grand news, daughter.”
    Of course Anna was smart enough to know her father did not want her actual thoughts, but more her agreement that it was indeed a wondrous thing to hear.
    “Yes, Father, it is wonderful news.” Over the years Anna had learned to school her features and keep herself stoic on the outside. The remembrance of pain from her many punishments were drilled into her mind. Keeping pleasant and neutral was the only way to survive. Alexander was already typing on his tablet and had since forgotten her presence. They drove the rest of the way in silence, but that was okay because Anna thrived off of it. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she drew her attention away from her folded hands in her lap and saw a set of startling green eyes watching her in the rearview mirror. Normally the privacy window would have been in place, but there were times when her father preferred it down. Apparently this was one of those times, or maybe it was just that he was too preoccupied to notice anything aside from whatever he was working on? Anna knew she should look away, because there was a very real chance her father would notice and exact his discipline. Whatever it was about Luca’s eyes made her feel something warm inside of her cold, empty heart.
    She heard her father shift on the seat, and she quickly diverted her eyes back to her lap. The rest of the ride was finished in silence, and soon they were pulling up to her family’s estate. She waited for the door to be open and her father to exit first before she slipped out from the back of the limo. Before she entered the house she glanced over her shoulder and saw Luca standing by the front of the car watching her. His stare was penetrating, consuming, and made her acutely aware that what she felt was completely inappropriate. Even if she allowed herself to explore the emotions that coursed through her, nothing could ever arise. There were many factors, ones she had no control over, and wouldn’t think another minute on. They were thoughts that could get people hurt. This was her life, whether she wanted it or not.

Chapter Two
    Two years later
    Anna felt as if she stood on the center of the sun. The light shining upon her was intense and bright, heating her flesh and causing sweat to bead along her body. Droplets of perspiration trailed down the valley between her breasts, but she could never show how uncomfortable she was mentally or physically. This was the day that reflected her entire life. She stood upon the auction block, the sea of men before her hidden behind the bright veil of the spotlights before her. She was blinded by that agonizing light, meant to be thrown off balance and showcased for all eyes. Over the past twenty-four months she had been perfected to be every male’s desired female.
    A virgin at twenty years old, Anna knew about all forms of sexual pleasure even if she had never

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